The advantage facing disadvantage of prosthesis arm
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:28 pm
im a man thet suffer 6 years already form BPI, my right hand (the dominant) is paralyzed from the shoulder
all thet time i had thoughts if to chang my arm to a prosthesis (only the bionic one).
bat i realy dont know the advantage and the disadvantage of the prosthesis! if it worth it? and what the movement thet i will can do? if its fitting for me?
i jast know the mybe with the prosthesis i can use and do samthing, bat with my arm now i cant do nathing.
bat my arm its my original arm and mybe one day it will work, and its not make people specially lady to recoil and to afraid from me
i need your help with your suggestion
im a man thet suffer 6 years already form BPI, my right hand (the dominant) is paralyzed from the shoulder
all thet time i had thoughts if to chang my arm to a prosthesis (only the bionic one).
bat i realy dont know the advantage and the disadvantage of the prosthesis! if it worth it? and what the movement thet i will can do? if its fitting for me?
i jast know the mybe with the prosthesis i can use and do samthing, bat with my arm now i cant do nathing.
bat my arm its my original arm and mybe one day it will work, and its not make people specially lady to recoil and to afraid from me
i need your help with your suggestion