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Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 12:30 pm
by carron
Well, I have been packing, cleaning up around the house and getting the kids ready to go stay with my mother. Makayla is doing great can't slow her down. Thomas is getting into every thing I just hope Mod quad does not slow him down we just started walking... I am getting nervous I have never flown before we leave tomorrow morning have a appt. at the clinic at 2 and then surgery the 13, please keep us all in your prayers.
Carron and Thomas

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:01 pm
by francine
hi Carron! your spirits sounds up so this is good. Want you to know that you and Thomas will be in our prayers. Allison and her son Bradley will be at clinic at the same time- I hope you two can meet.

I don't like flying myself, but when we fly I think about future events that I want to be at like weddings, graduations, etc. and then I sit and pray and bargain with God! lol so far so good - thank God.

Anyway - I wish you a very safe and comfortable trip and a successful surgery for Thomas,

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:10 pm
by Marnie
We will be thinking of you Carron. Good luck, hope all goes well, let us know when you get back. BTW I have an appointment with Julie Preskitt Sept 3. Can't wait to meet her.

Are you leaving out of Birmingham or Atlanta? Things will be fine, take care.


Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 2:53 pm
by admin
Carron, sending thoughts and prayers for a safe trip, successful surgery and speedy recovery for Thomas. From what I have heard and what we experienced with Kyle, the splint does not slow them down at all. The first day or two may be a little rough, but after they get their splint made and have that on there is no stopping them. Best of wishes to you and your family. Take care.

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 5:57 pm
by LeeAnne
Glad you seem to be more "up". Have a good trip. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. LeeAnne

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 6:57 pm
by christy
Many prayers Carron for you and Thomas. Our first flight ever was on a tiny little communter to Altanta so I know what you mean about the flying. And I wouldn't worry too much about the mod quad nor the splint keeping him down---it takes a whole lot more than that. Hopefully you will be chasing him down the halls afterward. Don't forget to ask the Dr. to write orders allowing you to take him to the playground!

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 7:34 pm
by Georgeann P
Good luck next week. We will be thinking of you. During our last surgery my son hated the IV in his foot. You might want to ask to have it put in his unaffected hand instead. We have had it both ways and in the foot was the worst. It just depends on the child too because once my son started walking that was all he wanted to do! As soon as he woke up from surgery he was determined to walk and got mad when it hurt because of the IV in his foot. Just thought I would give you our experience on just started walking and surgery mix.

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 9:50 pm
by Shane's Dad
Our thoughts will be with Thomas and your family! Just remember, that he is in the best hands! That helped me and talking to other people. We meet Marnie and her family in the waiting room, and another nice lady. It helps keep your mind from fearing the worst!

Good luck!.............Shane's Dad

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 10:44 pm
by m&mmom
Good luck
You're in my thoughts and prayers

Re: Getting ready to leave keep us in your prayers

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 10:56 pm
by Barbara
Wishing the very best for you this week! You will meet my daughter Karen and her husband Brian who are bringing their 5 mo. old daughter Grace to TCH. They left today via airplane and have an appointment tomorrow at 1:30. Everyone, please include them in your prayers also. Grace is scheduled for primary surgery on the 14th. Thanks!