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What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:05 pm
by marieke
This is a question Tom (master diver) has asked. I thought I would start a thread for it. I figure many of us have had BOTH jobs and professions

Jobs I have had:

-Mother's helper/babysitter for ages 2 months and up.
-Worked at a University sports Canteen serving food (fast food stand).
-Worked at a public library as a desk clerk and processing page.
-Figure skating coach/Choreographer for ages 4+


-Physical Therapist
-Early Childhood Educator (ages 3-5) for both "regular" and Special Needs kids.
-Research Assistant for TB-QFT study in children
-Registered Nurse

Marieke 33, LOBPI

Message was edited by: marieke

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:32 am
by Carolyn J
I wantedto be a Librarian but back in the "dark ages of the 50's & 60's I was told I couldn't carry a stack of books!! ha ha! I ended up working as a Caseworker in many different institutions and agencies for 17 yrs and worked at 200% to prove I was just as good as everyone one else--of course I over-used myself on good side-- and wore the 4" shoes to be fashionable and completly ruined my feet and am suffering for it now!

I had absolutely no help when I had my son 38 years ago and was socially isolated in an alcohol marriage so I had to figure out everything how to do things by myself. After Scott was born it took me 5 more years to get strong and committed to finding a way out and free with my son...then I had to tackle the Special Education system in 2 states and Washington DC. I was always sterotyped, talked over and never listened to so I learned to be an expert at playing the "word games" (everywhere was different) to get want I wanted for my son...convinced that "Labels" would not follow him in the real work world after HS. I have been proved right and Scott is a very productive employee of the State of Washington DSHS and is changing attitudes everywhere HE goes. He is much braver than I ever was! He doesn't hide like I did, he tells it like it is and won't take nothin' from nobody.

Now days with the ADA Act and funding for edcation thru D/BVR everyone can do anthing you want! :)
Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:43 pm
by Chrissie
I think it's a great idea to discuss the jobs and professions we have had as this demonstrates the variety of things we can do. I realise that people's injuries vary in severity and impact, and that our backgrounds, job interests, etc. are diverse.

While I was at school I worked in shops on saturdays, and I particularly enjoyed working in a book shop.

My first full-time job after school was as a flight planner in London, but it was short-lived and just a bit too complex. I worked in admin in a bank, and in other organisations in London and then moved into admin locally at a couple of public sector bodies for around 11 years. The turning point for me came when my employer announced a move to offices 25 miles away. It's ironic that I've travelled so much further since that time.

My colleagues at work had been very supportive and at the age of 31 I applied to university. I began to wonder what I'd done when I arrived there among the 18 year olds, but persevered for three years and it has changed my life - not always for the better (but that's another story). I have worked in social research for around 15 years and have had to produce reports, etc. It has often been difficult and painful to use the PC with my LOBPI. But I can recall learning to use a typewriter - not very well - and I'm thankful technology has evolved. I have found a PC keyboard to be much friendlier than pressing down on typewriter keys. It may have exercised my left hand and arm but took a few days to recover afterwards. I generally type with my right hand but am gradually trying to use more keys with my left - I can rest the side of my hand and it makes it easier.

After taking some time out for elder care, at the age of 55 I'm in the middle of a communications course, which I hope will open up a whole new area for me.

When I was younger I wanted to be a hairdresser and I still wonder how different my life might have been.


Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:19 pm
by smith727
A horse trainer (Tennessee Walking Horses)

Clerk in a United Dairy Farmers, also pizza delivery driver.

Security guard

Prison guard and Special Deputy Sheriff

Prison guard and Township Police Officer

Police Sergeant

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:31 am
by janny
Currently i am a housekeeper in a hotel, a kitchen porter and a bingo worker.

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:37 am
by cdmurfee

Free sample distributer
Mail Clerk
various Random labor jobs
Music Librarian
Music teacher


Freelance trombone player and private music tudor

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:22 am
by Master DIVER TOM
Thanks Marieke, From Tom, My best Wish Here is say to a new born with erbs. Here things you might try? This will help to for there parents to see there is a life with erbs? I am 56 with erbs at brith, part 2.This is for the person who got erbs laterin life. You might see something you would like to try with erbs, Just a thought??

Padi Master Diver Tom

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:25 pm
by patpxc
Nurses aide
Booking officer at county jail
VP Sales for health care consulting
Nurse consultant
Clinical Systems administrator
Director of an assisted living
Hostess in a restaurant
software trainer
project manager

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:01 pm
by Kath
This is a great question.

File clerk
Sales clerk on the hardware counter in variety store.
Baby sitting all through high school

Senior clerk typist billing.
Secretary/Assistant to Purchasing Agent
Bookkeeper, Payroll

Mother of three children
Assembled Printed Circuit boards at night.

Computer operator for special programs starting in the early 1980's
Payroll and Girl Friday/Secretary

I have been a huge volunteer all of my life.
PTA President, Fundraising, Council Delegate and Membership. Scholarship and Nominating committee's.
Neighborhood organizer for Girl Scouts.
Taught religion in after-school program for 16 years.

Last but not least and the most valuable, to me personally, was serving on the Board of Directors of United Brachial Plexus Network for approx 8 years.

Recording Secretary
In Touch Chairperson.
This was probably the most rewarding of all my jobs...
While it was an unpaid position the rewards in the way of education and insight into my own injury was/is worth more than money.

Kath robpi/69

Re: What jobs/professions do you/have you done

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:30 pm
by Chris88
During high school I worked part time in the grill of a fast food restaurant.

Worked in the sporting goods department of a large retail store. I stocked shelves, ran the register and sold hunting and fishing license.

Hunting guide for deer and quail hunts on a hunting preserve. I also trained dogs that were used for the bird hunts.

Land surveyor / Instrument Man

Went back to college and finished up biology degree.

Biologist for an environmental consulting firm. Relocated gopher tortoise off of pipeline right of ways that were being expanded. Also worked on threatened and endangered species surveys and with wetland survey crews.

Currently work for mosquito control. I’m out in the field about half the time and in the office at a computer most of the other half. Plus some time in the lab identifying samples. While in the field I check floodwater for mosquito larvae and collect samples that are taken back to the lab and identified to species using a microscope. Also fly as an observer in a twin engine airplane that is used for adulticiding. I help the pilot spot obstacles like cell phone towers, guy-wires, birds and other low flying aircraft.