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Gymboree classes?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 2:32 pm
by Sophie's Mom
Has anyone ever taken their bp kids to a Gymboree class? I thought it sounded like a fun way to encourage her to bear weight and increase usage. It sounds great though pretty expensive.

Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 6:17 pm
by admin
I have taken Hannah to Gymboree since was 3 months old. She is now 8 months old. I think it is a great way of encouraging her and she does use her arm more there than at home. I think she has gotten a lot out of it.


Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:23 pm
by phaliscak
I took Michael to Gymboree classes too! It was great! Michael did a lot of weight bearing and arm lifting as well. The classes give great stimulation and the best part is is that they are moving that arm and having fun at the same time.We had some good quality time there and it got me out of the house and into a social enviroment with other moms which I needed as well as Michael.


Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 10:48 am
by Natalee (Logan's Mom)
I CANNOT believe this topic came up-HA!!!! My husband and I are buying the GYMBOREE PLAY AND MUSIC franchise for our city here and this is happening right now. I am a RN and have had burn out since working among obstetricians and losing our lawsuit recently was the icing on the cake. I have been wanting to be my own boss and do something that had to do with therapy and children (in honor of my daughter, Logan). I can't wait till we open and we have a tv spotlight on the new business in town. I am going to mention that it was done in Logan's honor and bring light to bpi's. Hopefully, the scum that delivered her will be watching. Has anyone else done these classes?? I need some opinions. What did you like and not like?? Anything is appreciated!
Thanks, Natalie

Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 10:54 am
by Sophie's Mom
Wow - that's great, Natalee. I'll let you know what we think of it, but from my phone conversation it sounds like a great company. What city?

Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 1:42 pm
by TNT1999
The classes do look like they'd be great, though I agree that they're pricey too. I know a Mom who tried them and thought the non-music classes were good, but from someone who could sing professionally and plays piano well too (among other musically-based things too I'm sure), she wasn't impressed with their music classes. I personally would recommend Kindermusik for any music classes at that age anyway. That's something to think about too, although doing both would really get pricey.

Congrats, Natalie! I think that sounds like a great idea for you. I think it will help you a lot to change your work environment. I don't know how you've stuck with it all this time. It should be a profitable business too based on the prices LOL! I hope it works out for you.


Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:35 pm
by Natalee (Logan's Mom)
Tina, believe me, there isn't much of a profit in just about any business franchise, more work than anything. I think as a business owner, you are allowed to make your own class prices and it depends on the area vs. expenditures. I had NO idea how much this would cost US, out of our income. My husband has a business so he is able to help. My first year I don't expect to make more than I do as a nurse, but, the trade off is well worth it. Unfortunately, working next to doctors has spoiled my interest in working as a nurse. I had to get away from being face to face at work with the doctor who injured Logan and then got away with it. I further more plan to have classes designed just for differently-able children; children in wheel chairs, children with bpi's, mental retardation, etc. to allow them time to interact and play and be involved with the music, swaying, feeling free. And then I would like to corporate the two classes together- integration. I want to call it "Logan's hour"- HA!! Right now we are in the beginning stages with the bank- what a pain, and like I said, expensive. I hope we can pull it off, pray for us. Any other wise words or suggestions would be appreciated.
THANKS- Natalie

Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 2:41 pm
by njbirk
What a wonderful and positive new challenge for you.

Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 11:35 pm
by francine
Natalee - I'm so excited for you! We do Kindermusik and Little Gym and love both programs. I don't know too much about Gymboree other than they make long lasting bubbles! LOL (sorry) I love your ideas about the classes for special needs children and the integration one. Maia goes to The Little Gym with her PT and that has worked out great. Maybe one thing you can do is tell people that they can bring their therapist with them? I wish you the best and hope that it's a most successful venture fo you...more than that, I hope that doing this makes your heart sing!

Logan's Hour- I love it!!


Re: Gymboree classes?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 12:42 am
by Georgeann P
Natalie....I wish we lived near you!!!! We would be the first to sign up. It sounds wonderful. You are a brave woman to make such a change in your life. It is not going to be easy but well worth it I am sure! Warmest wishes to a sucessful tomorrow and best of luck to you!