new to the forum just discovered the community
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:04 pm
Hi folks i was just surfing through the internet googling brachial plexus something i have lived with as long i can remember but was never a problem for me.
I was born in Somalia on October 18th 1986 the midwife pulled me out with a lot of force since i had a hard time coming out that basically caused brachial plexus on my right arm. With my family we moved to the Netherlands when I was 7 year old where i grew up. My parents took me to a specialist who basically said that there wasn't much they could do for me other than physical therapy. I do have some mobility over my right arm but it was never a problem for me in the sense that although i knew that i had some limitations when it came to sports like basketball or lifting weights or even doing a push up i never allowed it to become an obstacle and it actually helped me overcome other obstacles. Having Brachial Plexus is something that has always been with me and something that i have learned to accept. Having brachial plexus is not something to feel ashamed of or get depressed about it is what it is and it isn't something that will stop you from achieving your dreams whatever that may be.
I was born in Somalia on October 18th 1986 the midwife pulled me out with a lot of force since i had a hard time coming out that basically caused brachial plexus on my right arm. With my family we moved to the Netherlands when I was 7 year old where i grew up. My parents took me to a specialist who basically said that there wasn't much they could do for me other than physical therapy. I do have some mobility over my right arm but it was never a problem for me in the sense that although i knew that i had some limitations when it came to sports like basketball or lifting weights or even doing a push up i never allowed it to become an obstacle and it actually helped me overcome other obstacles. Having Brachial Plexus is something that has always been with me and something that i have learned to accept. Having brachial plexus is not something to feel ashamed of or get depressed about it is what it is and it isn't something that will stop you from achieving your dreams whatever that may be.