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Doodle 4 Google

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:19 pm
by PeggyF
Maybe someone could come up with a great doodle to connect with Awareness/Prevention of Brachial Plexus Injuries and help themselves, as well as this community!

The National Winner will win a $15,000 college scholarship to be used at the school of their choice, a trip to the Google New York Office, a laptop computer, and a t-shirt printed with their doodle. We'll also award the winner's school a $25,000 technology grant towards the establishment/improvement of a computer lab.
Each of the other 3 National Finalists will win a trip to the Google New York Office, a laptop computer, and a t-shirt printed with their doodle.
Each of the other 36 Regional Winners will win a trip to the Google New York Office and a t-shirt printed with their doodle.
Each of the other 360 State Finalists will receive a "Doodle 4 Google" official winner's certificate.

Re: Doodle 4 Google

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:27 pm
by marieke
Only teachers or school employees should register. Parents or students who are interested should contact their teacher to register them.

So if your kids are interested, ask your child's teacher to help them register.