Mammogram and BPI

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Joy in FL
Posts: 357
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 8:36 pm
Location: Georgia

Mammogram and BPI

Post by Joy in FL »

Next week I go for my first mammogram. It is something that I have put off for years because I am concerned as to how it will affect my BP side. I have pain down into my chest to start with. Not to mention not being able to lift my arm up past my shoulders. Even doing a breast exam is difficult. I have had to explain this to every ob/gyn that I have been to. Luckily I have one now that remembers and does not grab my arm and try and lift it higher than it will go!

So ladies any advice as how to survive this? I have already asked for more time for the mammogram to be done. I figure I will need pain meds afterwards. I am also planning on coming home and doing nothing for the rest of the day. Well as little as possible, Adam's Eagle Scout Court of Honor is that Saturday so there will be somethings I will have to do. It is not that I am really scared of the pain, it is more the aftermath. I mean, I know how badly things hurt when I am too active. Any ideas that have helped others would be appreciated!

Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991
Posts: 1012
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm

Re: Mammogram and BPI

Post by Kathleen »


I just recently change the place I go to for Mammograms because I was so uncomfortable after the last one I waited 3 years! I checked the age of the equipment... the new hospital has a Woman's Breast Center and the equipment is only 3 years old... The Breast center is devoted to taking just Mammograms.
I had to have six shots taken and was only slightly uncomfortable after... which was a big change...
Make sure that you explain your injury I did in detail because I was so nervous. I was especially nervous because of the tbpi's posting due to Mammogram... I hope it is an easy one.

You must be so proud of Adam what a great accomplishment to become an Eagle Scout enjoy the Honor Court.
When my kids were young I always told them never to walk like a turkey when they could fly like and Eagle..... You have your very own Eagle!!!!!
Good Luck
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2001 1:44 pm

Re: Mammogram and BPI

Post by Mindy »

Okay let me know how this goes... My Mom and Grandma died of breast cancer and until I read your post I never thought about how they would be able to do a mamogram. Someone posted a while back about getting a bp from that test. A friend's Gyn did an ultra sound instead because he felt it was more reliable.
I will say a prayer everything goes okay.
Joy in FL
Posts: 357
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 8:36 pm
Location: Georgia

Re: Mammogram and BPI

Post by Joy in FL »

Well ladies everything went well... as well as it can go when someone is smashing your breast in a machine! LOL

It was difficult when they wanted to get the side view. I had to stretch my arm out over the machine. Of course I lost all feeling in my arm, hand. When she was done she was like, "Okay, you can move now." I said, "UUMMM, no actually I can't, can you please move my arm for me." She had to pick my arm up and move it off the machine.

What I am noticing now is weakness in my arm and hand. I do have pain under my arm in the armpit area and the elbow but I can get that on a normal day. So I think all in all it was a do-able deal. Of course it has to be!!

Kath, yes I am very proud of Adam. His ceremony is really coming together nicely. I am looking forward to the Court of Honor.

Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991