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Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:13 pm
by carron
My son Thomas has had 2 surgeries he has gotten use of his hand and a little bicep. We are in the 2nd grade this year and it getting harder to answer the ?. I have always told Thomas God made his special well the other night it broke my heart. He told me he didn't want to be special he just want this arm to work like this arm. He wants to get on the monkey bars like everyone else. He wants to tie his shoes like everyone else.. So many other things. How do you explain to a 7 year old you can't change his arm.....

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:31 pm
by F-Litz
Hi Carron - nice to see you again.

In the past I have told Maia that every single person on earth is different and that we all do things differently from one another. I told her that if you compare how 10 people write - they will all write differently -- how 10 people run - they will all run differently. No two people are alike. And then I finish up with - isn't it amazing that we are all so different? it would be such a boring world if we were the same! :)

Carron - it might be a good time to get with a therapist who will teach him how to better deal with things functionally with his differences.... for example - maia had a PT who came to the house and they played sports games together. Mindy practiced sports with her so that they could figure out how Maia was going to handle each game with her differences. It was great. She ended up on the t-ball team, she spent a year in soccer and she did some basketball - with ease - because they had already figured out all the hard parts and she was able to make the changes she needed to make.

To this day, Maia and I still pre-plan for events, etc. we go through it in our minds and discuss what might be hard to accomplish and we try to figure out a different way. It's a really great way for us to get quality time and for her to feel the suport coming through. I love those times actually.

Best of luck helping Thomas with this stuff.

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:24 pm
by carron
Thanks my life has been so crazy the last few years as you know my mom died of breast cancer 4years ago. I ended a rough married with Thomas' dad. I remarried tomorrow is our 1sr year together. He got sick back in March with turned out to be colon cancer. He is going through chemo. WoW life keeps giving it to me but I am still standing miss talking to you all.

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:30 pm
by F-Litz
Oh Carron - wow - you've truly been through the mill. Please take care of yourself [[[hugs]]] - francine

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:18 am
by mommieinneed
Hi Carron my name is Leslie. Ive never met you or your son but was wondering what kind of injury does your son have.

Maggie has very limited use of her arm and I didnt ever think she would be able to tie her shoes but now today at 6 she ties her shoes by herself, I go back and tie them so they are tight but she is so proud of herself for being able to do it. I am going to try to get someone to video tape her so I can put it on youtube it is amazing. I will post the link as soon as I can.

Sorry the past years have been so trying for you if you ever want to talk my email addy is

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:33 am
by KaraRutherford
I get the same questions... My little guy is in second grade too!!

PLEASE let me know what you come up with!!

I know its difficult..
Im right here with you!

Re: Help ? I want my arm to be like my good arm!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:40 pm
by Katiekel
Hi everyone! My daughter will be 6 next month, and I know the questions of "why" are right around the corner. I'm not sure if I should start talking to her about it now, so she is prepared to answer questions from others, or should I wait until she brings it up? Any suggestions? Thanks to all...