TCH check up

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed May 22, 2002 2:07 am

TCH check up

Post by Christine »

I wanted to share a little good news. My daughter
Alex was at TCH for a check up yesterday. All good news, no surgeries, keep doing what we are doing etc. She showed off her gymnastics picture and her mini olympics trophy. She was so proud. Its was really nice to get some good news. Its kind of nice to post something that doesn't make my cry.
Posts: 90
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2001 2:56 am

Re: TCH check up

Post by DeShawn »

It's good to hear that you got some good news. I am sure that it made your day. Tell Alex to keep up the good work.

Posts: 3656
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 12:52 pm

Re: TCH check up

Post by francine »

YES! good news is good news! Thanks for sharing. Any pictures?? I'd love to have one for injurednewborn...

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed May 22, 2002 2:07 am

Re: TCH check up

Post by Christine »

I get to work on the picture thing. CH