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Anyone at Mayo 9/30-10/3?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:41 pm
by GMcG
Hello! I am here at the Mayo 9/30 through 10/3 for my first trip back after surgery and would like to know if anyone else with BPI is here too? Check out my previous posts if you want to read more about my injury please... Will reply in kind! Genevieve

Re: Anyone at Mayo 9/30-10/3?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:48 pm
by Mom only wanting to help
Being from California is there any reason you did not choose Stanford Hospital?

Re: Anyone at Mayo 9/30-10/3?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:44 am
by GMcG
Stanford was not even among the hospitals that were recommended to me when I was injured. I was looking for top 5 neurological hospitals that had a specialized program in brachial plexus injuries. Local would have been a lucky convenience, but as time went on I realized how little that mattered for surgical reasons -- I have my own neurologist and orthopedist, I needed the best surgeons I could find, and surgery is a temporary thing. I contacted Mayo Clinic, UCSF, John's Hopkin's, and University of Pennsylvania, (I have family on the east coast) though I was only thoroughly examined by the doctors at UCSF and Mayo Clinic. It soon became apparent that Mayo was the only place to go for such surgery, it was like comparing apples and oranges, their program is by far the #1 in the country for our injury and worth all of the travel. Their team of doctors is known as the best there is in our country and they do the most advanced repair operations of the brachial plexus in the United States. I would highly recommend that you make sure Mayo is at least among one of the consult opinions you get before undergoing surgery, if you need it. Have you been to Mayo?