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No Answers

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 11:54 am
by Judy-T
Well, I have been informed that the hospital where I was born does not have my records. I am still working on getting records from the doctor's wife. He has passed on. I thought I would get some type of closure to all this. I just want an answer. Do y'all know what I mean ? Well, on a brighter subject, we are having our 3rd picnic in Florida on August 3rd with a lecture on August 2nd. I wish I could meet some of you guys. Judy

Re: No Answers

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 1:53 pm
by Joy in FL
Sorry about your struggle to get your birth records. I hope the doctors wife will come through for you, Judy.

Where is the picnic going to be? My husband and I could use a week end away!


Re: No Answers

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 6:26 pm
by Kathleen

I hope you can get those records.

I found out where to find mine... and guess what they were transfered to a warehouse.... You guessed it!!!!! A fire burned them up...

I have a copy of my hospital bill. I found when I got the last of my Mother's belongs... and in it was a bill for a Cardiograph (sp) $10.00. The bill says it is for the baby on Nov.10... guess even though they lied to my Mom and said nothing was wrong the bill proves they knew something happened... Guess that is all I can get. Wonder what happened to make them take the test?????? I'll never know.

I was told my clinic records were on micro film in NYC but don't know where to begin to find them...

I too would just love to know. I know it won't change anything but I just want the rest of the information.

Good luck with doctors wife...


Re: No Answers

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 6:49 pm
by Sharon
I was able to get my birth records but there was no mention of any problems what so ever, so I got nowhere there. I found a calendar my mom had written on which indicated that two days after coming home my arm was noticed and something was wrong "so off to the doctor" no more entries after that.

Hope you have better luck than I did, but don't be surprised if it doesn't mention any birth injuries.

By the way Hi to everyone. I have not been lurking just have not been on my web or even checked any email. One (or two) of those weeks. I think they call it escape.

Love to all

Re: No Answers

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 7:05 pm
by patpxc
I can get the records of the orthopedic surgeon that I saw at 8 months. In fact, I have a letter that he wrote for me when I was 18 and trying to go into the airforce. He described the arm as flaccid, and the arm and shoulder girdle somewhat smaller than the left. He also gave specific ROM but I don't remember it off the top of my head. The Dr. who delivered me told my mom that my shoulders were bigger than my head and she ripped up one side and down another. She almost died having my brother 4 years before and she says she did ask about a C section and was told --a lot of women have trouble with first babies. She was also told my arm would be normal in time. Bith records? That's interesting. I wonder what happened to his records after he died? Don't they get destroyed after a certain number of years? It was a small town. If they're there, I'll get them. Pat

Re: No Answers

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 7:15 am
by Judy-T
Joy, the picnic will be at kiwanas park on merritt island. if you would like a registration form let me know. judy

Re: No Answers

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 9:12 am
I can relate totally Judy!!

I was born in an Army Hospital in Georgia........try to get records from THEM!!!

There isn't enough space here to detail all the rings and hoops they have led me through.......all to no avail.

I wish you luck with the Doc's wife :)