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Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:45 am
by brentr6
I'm headed back to the Mayo for my 3rd post op checkup. I'm headed up on the 10th for my appointment on the 11th and coming back on the 12th. Let me know if anyone is there please! I'd love to meet any of you!

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:54 am
by herff94
darn, I wold love to meet someone that has this injury. I will be there 9/22. Anyone going to be there then?
Good luck w/ your appointments. Should be pretty there with the leaves changing.

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:18 pm
by trimommy
Bring your parka!!! i just returned and while today was in the 70's it was in the 30's yesterday morning!!! good luck!!!!! They are an amazing team!

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:21 pm
by bensmom
Looks like we're all spread out over the next few weeks---we'll be back on 9/25. Best of luck everyone!

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:28 am
by brentr6
I met a new TBPI patient and because of this traumatic head injury, I can't even remember his name!! I told him about this website and hopefully I'll get back in touch w/him. We were briefly waiting for our appointments in the waiting area on the 15th floor. He was in front of me in the checkin line at the 15 East desk/station.

I did get good news again from Dr. Shinn and the P.T. doc Deb!! Dr. Shinn typed I was doing very very well and Deb wrote I was doing extremely well! Dr. Shinn told me not to wear the Wilmer Orthosis brace any longer. My shoulder muscles are working, just extremely weak and on/off switch instead of on/lower grade to hold the arm in place. He showed me how to contract those muscles and I couldn't believe it!! With strengthening excercises and teaching these muscles They will get back to working properly!! I have a new P.T. Doc here at Wright-Patterson AFB Hospital and he's given me some new excercises to strengthen these differen arm muscles and it is certainly exciting and good for my psycological state of mind/depression! I'm going today to get the results from my Neuro-Psyc testing down w/Miami Valley Hospital Doc.

Best of luck and God speed to you all!! I know I wouldn't be where I'm at today without all the prayers and I am soooo thankful!!

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:20 am
by brentr6
Oh yeah, "the rest of the story"...and I'm able to lift my arm w/deltoid almost horizontally, (just shy), to the front and side, the deltoid is certainly getting stronger. My new bicep,(gracilis), and tricep are getting stronger as well. I can move them both w/my arm lying on a towel or something on a table. I can push my hand straight out w/tricep and pull it back to about a 90 degree w/gracilis. Absolutely cannot wait to get it strong enough for hand-to-mouth motion!! I'll be eating two handed and get big as a house!!hehe

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:14 pm
by Alecia
CONGRATS!!!!! I am so happy hear the news!! Just keep working at it! With determination you'll do great.
My husband is also AD. He is USN though, 10 1/2 years, LTBPI + TBI also due to a motorcycle accident 10/06.
Please keep posting as to your recovery!

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:35 pm
by GMcG
I am at the Mayo NOW -- 1st trip post op. after 1 year, here 9/30 through through 10/3. Is there anyone else here at this time that would like to meet or chat for a bit?

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:36 am
by herff94
I was there; in the hosp. @ St Mary. I had surgery Monday and I left on Thurs. I'm going back for a follow up on Oct 28th. Anyone????

Re: Trip Back To The Mayo

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:02 am
by dalejrfan
I have not posted for a long time. My name is Rhonda and I live in IL. RTBPI from surgery and an arterial blood clot in my armpit. With therapy I can now bend my elbow to touch my face and my left shoulder. Numbness just above the elbow to thumb, index and middle finger. Unable to bend thumb and index finger. Able to grasp things with middle, ring and pinky. Fingers are drawing bad. I was told 2 years till I may get movement. I begged to be sent to Mayo's. Last week I talked to the work comp gal and admission gal. She said she would give info to docs but, not to expect a response for at least to weeks. Any info about how far away an appt might be and what to expect. My hubby has to take off work for this and we can't afford for him to miss too much. New job no vacation hours yet. Shoulder badly atrophied and shirts just fall off. It is gross. Friends wondered why I would not wear my halters and such. Any way this is too long and I was curious as to timelines for appts. How soon will it be scheduled and what are my chances of needing to stay a while or go home and come back at a later date. Depression has had a hold on mr again since the weather got cooler and I know winter is coming. I wish comp insurance had approve long ago. Thanks for listening. Rhonda