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Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 10:27 am
by admin
Hi everyone...this is a very strange question, but I am curious. My daughter's BPI arm and shoulder is SO hairy, and her unaffected arm has barely any hair on it. The hair is black and very noticeable. She is age 7. I'm sure this is purely coincidence, but since this is so strange, I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed anything like this?

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 3:27 pm
by Glenis
My daughters affected arm is also hairier than the other. The hairs are much longer although quite fine and light in colour.

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 9:08 pm
by francine
Yes - Maia too! REALLY hairy on her arm!

I have one comparison to make - don't understand why it's happened. My left leg has impaired circulation - since my pregnancy. In the area where the circulation is most impaired that is an unbelievable hair growth..double anywhere else. Why more hair would grow in an area that has impaired circulation just beats me - you would think it would be the opposite?

I am going for a checkup on Wednesday - I'll ask my primary doc if she has an answer and I'll post it.


Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 11:47 am
by NancyP
Kelsey is the same way. Much more hair on her left arm. It seems to get worse after each splinting too.

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 1:07 pm
by Wendy in PA
Thank you so much for your responses!! I am actually very surprised that others have experienced this, but now I feel better about it. It's not such a huge "mystery"! Francine, I'm so curious to see if your doctor has any insight about this.

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 1:30 pm
by browning93
This is so wierd!!! While Michaela was in her splint I kept thinking her elbow was dirty and scrubbed it but it wouldn't come clean. She is blond and hairy all over but it's like a fine down.Then I realized it wasn't dirt but long black hairs growing and covering her whole elbow.The only place she has them is there and just since the Mod Quad and splinting. Who knew!!! LeeAnne

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 2:36 pm
by Cara
Ok, I'm not a doctor and I do not play one on TV but this is the thought that popped inot my head. Reduce circulation can cause a limb to be lower in temp. I wonder if the increased hair growth is the body's way of warming it up. Tried to do a search on it, but couldn't come up with anything. This is nothing officail, just my hypothisis.

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:10 pm
by admin
Cara, I think that idea is a brilliant one! Who knows if it's right, but it does make sense!

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:11 pm
by admin
Cara, I think that idea is a brilliant one! Who knows if it's right, but it does make sense!

Re: Hairy Arm on BPI side?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:12 pm
by admin
Cara, I think this idea is a brilliant one! Who knows if it's right, but it sure does make sense!