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Clavicle surgery injury

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:32 pm
by Raquel129
Hello everyone. In March of '08 I was in an accident and broke my collar bone. My ortho doc said the bone was not healing properly, and I should have a plate put in. I had the surgery (June 9th), which included a nerve block which was supposed to wear off in 24 hrs. 48 hrs later, I still could not feel or move my (left) arm. It has been determined that somehow during the surgery my BP was stretched. Almost 4 weeks later now...I have some upper arm motion, and a bit of movement in my hand (two fingers sort of twitch if I concentrate real hard). Have any of you ever heard of anyone else being injured in this manner? I guess this is temporary, for which I am grateful, but it's still pretty devastating.

Re: Clavicle surgery injury

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:54 pm
by Mary Beth
I had surgery to remove a lymph node under my arm and some how it caused a stretch BPI too. It has been 8 months now. I have use from my elbow down now but from the shoulder to the elbow still gives me trouble. if I can answer any questions feel free to email me @

Mary Beth

Re: Clavicle surgery injury

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:28 pm
by miserbank0312
Wow. I had a cervicle laminectomy done here in Indianapolis and had basically the same thing happen. The surgery was 10/06. I did a tremendous amount of research and saw Spinner at Mayo and a Dr. in St. Louis as well as several here in Indy. I had no movement in my right triceps for 6 months and then, bingo, overnight i had movement. I have had permanent damage to C5 and C6 in both arms but can do nearly anything short of lifting anything over my head. My wife's a doctor which helped with all the research I did. My email address is if you want to email me. I'll give you my phone number and I can give you a lot of information relevant to my experience. You can search this forum under my login name "miserbank0312" and see all of my posts and the progression.
Jerry in Indy

Re: Clavicle surgery injury

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:14 pm
by arman
Hi Raquel129:

I had the same type of surgery in December 2008 and suffered a similar nerve injury in my left arm. I was just wondering how your recovery was going. Thanks