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trouble in my "good" arm

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:24 am
by hope16_05
Hey all, I was just curious if any one had any advice on why my left (good) shoulder is bugging me. It seems to be tense all the time in my upper traps and is really starting to bother me. As I have been trying to finish a paper for school today, it has killed my concentration. I am not enjoying the deterioration of my left arm at all. Any tips on how to make it better until I can see my OT and doctor?

Amy 21 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: trouble in my "good" arm

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:40 am
by marieke
You can put a heating pad on it (or those microwave bean bags), Advil or Aleve will help with the pain and inflammation too... Massage.. you can maybe get a friend to give your shoulder area a good rub down.
I know how you feel!
Marieke, 32, LOBPI

Re: trouble in my "good" arm

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:07 pm
by Beckyerin
Do trap stretches. If your OT has not already shown them to you for your right side then google it. Make sure you hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds and repeat 5 times. Thats whats really lengthens a muscle. Use heat before you stretch. If you can't afford massage therapy I would suggest purchasing a home massager. If OT/PT is affordable go to therapy for left side.

Re: trouble in my "good" arm

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:32 am
by Mare
My right shoulder used to get a burning pain when ever I sat at the computer to long or at work I was a bar tender and reaching to run the tap and get glasses hurt too. I tryed everything advil, heat, massage nothing worked then I got a cortizone shot and its been 3 yrs since it hurt. The doc said it was due to inflamation and posture and since I couldn't not sit or move my shoulder it wouldn't heal the pain started out slow some what anoying and became constaint and on a level of 1 to 10 it was a 7 all the time. See your PCP he can give you a shot and just one should due the trick Good luck