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spastic diplegia
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:43 pm
by candie
I am so frustrated my daughter is 20 months and was born with a fractured clavicle and erbs palsy to her right arm. She is now being evaluated for spastic diplegia. Her pediatrician noted it during a well baby visit. I feel very fortunate that her arm seems to have healed on it`s own, although it still seems weaker and she favors her left still. The neurologists say that the diplegia has nothing to due with her traumatic birth. I am having a hard time believing that. I am very distrustful of doctors now and it is becoming a problem. I just don`t know if I should belive it? Any comments would be appreciated.
Re: spastic diplegia
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 8:02 pm
by francine
There's a lot of information at the St. Louis hospital site
I'm really sorry to hear about this and hope you find a good specialist for your child.
Will say a prayer for her and for you and your family,
ps - I recently sat in on a course and found out that TES (the nightime estim) has given children with CP some really good results in improving their gait. I saw many videos of the children before and after and it was really promising. Maybe this is something else you can research for your daughter. is where you can find out a whole lot of info about this
Re: spastic diplegia
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 11:12 pm
by admin
I don't know if my response will help or not, but I am 70 years old and only learned within the last couple of years that I was an Erbs Palsy baby. I never heard of Erbs Palsy and I'm sure my mother didn't know what was wrong with me when I was born with a paralyzed left arm and I doubt our country doctor knew - however, I had a nanny who masaged my arm daily (one day with warm olive oil and the next day with cold vinegar) and I have always used my arm the same as the other one and the closest of friends have never been aware of any disability. The arm is a wee bit shorter than the other one and slightly crooked - but no disability. I don't know what spastic diplegia is, but hopefully your baby's Erbs Palsy problems will be OK as mine have been for 70 years.