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New to forum

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:00 am
by Bev
Hello everyone. I finally decided to add my own comments on the message board. My daughter is 9 years old and has been thru just about everything over the past 7 1/2 years. We are not having a lot of luck. Why only 7 1/2 years and she is 9? Because our doctors here in Florida told us the old saying "she will get better". It took us 2 1/2 years to find out it wouldn't. I hate them all! Although, she is able to use her arm now, she still is unable to use her wrist, hand, straighten her elbow, shoulder and continues to live with occasional pain, we are still very blessed because she has some use. It has been a long road and it is going to get a lot longer according to our doctor. Life has been really tough for our family. Emotionally and financially. Emotionally we are basket cases. My older daughter doesn't understand and constantly thinks she is being neglected, while my daughter Brandi, feels she needs 100% of moms attention. I am being pushed and pulled. Sometimes I just want to quit. Any suggestions on the sibling rivalry? That would help a lot. I have tried counseling, spending special time with my oldest because of the time I spend with Brandi and nothing seems to work. Talking doesn't either. Not when Brandi is having emotional issues too. I am at a loss. There are so many things I would like responses on but will start with this. Thanks for listening.

Re: New to forum

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:45 am
by mommieinneed
I dont know how to answer you, but I did want to welcome you here. The people here are amazing with all questions so keep asking away.

I hope the sibling rivalry figures its way out, I have three kids two being girls and they are the same way, they both have very different problems and it is hard to juggle to give them both what they need, Thank God my boy doesnt seem to mind, but he is only three so maybe one day he will.

Keep us posted how Brandi is doing.

Re: New to forum

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:51 pm
by Kristie
I am sure that some of the issues you are dealing with are not because of the injury but are typcial sibling issues. I am sure that the injury doesn't help it any though!

First I really need to know a few things before I open my big mouth. How old is your older daughter? What does it look like when your 9 yr old demands your 100% attention?
Do both the girls go to public school, private school, or homeschool? What grades are they in? Do they have friends that they spend time with? Do you work or stay home? What about the dad? What have you tired to help the issues you are having? Rewards/punishment? Oh and would you mind walking me through your day. Like giving me your schedule and telling me what issues arise and when?

And before I appear rude.... welcome to the UBPN community! I hope that you are blessed by being here. And I am so sorry that your child was injured!

I am a mom to three kids with the fourth (and final) on the way. My middle child is my BPI affect one. I hope I can help in whatever way possible.