My insurance company is trying to get me to see a Dr. Roger Cornwall from CHOP because he is in our network. We are trying to get the insurance company to approve surgery with Dr. Nath. Has anyone heard of him.
Frankie saw Dr Cornwall last year he is very good but is an Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Nath is a Plastic Surgeon. you can get info on him by going to We saw him after Frankies mod quad with Dr Nath. Dr Nath had wanted Frankie to have bone lengthening done and an ostotomi (spelt wrong) Dr Cornwall said no and explained why and he was right. You didn't say what surgery Dr Nath wants to do??? But I can tell you CHOP has a BPI team and does all the same surgery's as Dr Nath does they are very good there. Unfortunately I only found them after Frankies surgery otherwise we would have used them simply because they are closer and if you need them you can get to them fast. We had a scare after the mod quad where Frankies stitches opened up the hospital here couldn't reach Dr Nath he was in India and they refused to touch the surgical site of another doctors without speaking with them something about malpractice. I hope all this helps Mare