tendon transfer in wrist

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tendon transfer in wrist

Post by tjdarrow »

I'd really like some information about the tendon transfer surgery for the wrist. What exactly does it do for the wrist? What is the surgery like? What does it do for the wrist? What does your wrist look like after the surgery? Is it stiff?

I need to talk to my 19 year old son about it and I need some information.

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Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:25 pm

Re: tendon transfer in wrist

Post by Wes »

Hello I had the tendion transfer surgery Dec. of 2006. I all 4 tendions transfered from under side of the forearm to the top side of the forearm to get me more stability in the wrist and to get alittle more function out of the fingers. I feel the surgery has gotten me more functionable and stability in the wrist. I can open cans and hold things with the wrist and not have the wrist curldown. The range I have in my wrist is 28 degrees pulling it up, and 15 degrees down. I feel the surgery for me was successful for me it made me more functionable with it. Like anything it is not always gonna be successful for everyone. Like my DR. told me it is not gonna make you 100% it is gonna make you more functionable in life than where you are now before surgery. My surgery took about 3 hours, I was in a cast for 8 weeks, cast went up to my bicep. I use to have to wear a radial nerve splint everyday and since the surgery I no longer need it. I can now lift my thumb up. So all in all it was very successful for what I was looking for. I hope this helps you or was able to answer some of the question you have. You can email me if you have anymore I will try to help or answer anymore question I can. Wes