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Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:57 pm
by kksmommy
I don't want to start a debate but I am fast approaching Kayla's one year birthday!! I have been selective vaxing so far and I am still struggling with delaying the MMR. She has gotten everything so far except the flu, and I am not planning on the rotovirus and chicken pox. She had almost no reactions to the 2 and 4 month shots and was still Breastfeeding, but her six months shot made her feel REALLY lousy for 3 days but I wasn't Breastfeeding. Has anyone done research and been able to find anything on BPI and vaccinations??? I haven't really had time to look that specifically but I have researched it in general and you probably all know its hard to get unbiased info on this subject. Anyway any info would be appreciated.

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:34 pm
by marieke
If she was cranky after the shots, it wasn't due to the BPI unless they used that arm to give them in!
She had no major reaction to her other shots, and frankly these shots are needed, not only to fight off these diseases but also b/c most if not all schools require them to be done.
I realize this is hard and is a real can of worms for debate. Good luck in your decision.
Marieke (32, LOBPI)

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:04 pm
by brandonsmom
I agree with what Marieke said. These shots are very important. Schools are not as kind as they used to be when you opt out of shots for your child. I did not opt out of shots, but because of his BPI he was not totally immunized for kindergarten and I thought the school was going to have kittens(Form of SPEECH) but after a few doctors notes and a few nasty conversations from Brandon's mean old momma they realized they couldn't fight me any longer. (THE REASON HE WAS LATE was because they couldn't give him shots in both arms so some of them had to wait 6 weeks and the school did not like that one bit !!! Try giving her tylenol before the shots. It really makes a huge difference. Then if my kids were really cranky when we got home, I gave the MOTRIN. It was an amazing difference !!!


Message was edited by: brandonsmom

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:46 pm
by Mica
Aria's doctors vaccinate in her thighs. Due to her bilateral OBPI, they will always vaccinate in her legs. They didn't even bat an eyelash, and said this would never be a problem.

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:55 pm
by jennyb
My kids aren't vaccinated and when they first started school it wasn't a problem because they were in a Waldorf school where to vaccinate or not was considered my right as a parent. Now they are in mainstream schools I had to jump thru a few hoops to get the school to agree to take them, but I did it! The principal admitted to me that his own fully vaccinated kids ALL got severe whooping cough despite being in a school where there were no unvaccinated kids, so he knew where I was coming from. Here's a link to a site about not vaccinating in the US ... _shots.htm
I respect the right of other parents to vaccinate their kids but constantly find myself having to justify my own decisions regarding vaccination.It's a decision every parent has the right to make for their own children IMO. When they are grown they can make their own choices.

Vaccinations and bpi-well, if a vaccine contains live or semi live versions of the disease, that might cause a pain flare up in your child, because most of us adults have noticed that getting any kind of illness, or even just feeling a bit off colour causes the bpi pain to flare up. It does seem to go hand in hand with the immune system being activated in some way. So the reaction could definitely have been caused by the vaccine.
Good luck with your decisions, this is a big subject and everyone needs to do their own research. This is an area where it is very hard to find unbiased information as you already said. There's so much pressure here that the doctor rings and badgers me about it, and all my kids got mail personally addressed to them depicting a baby who lost arms and legs due to meningitis to pressure them into having the menigitis vaccine. I was not convinced about that vaccine after my own research and in fact our government has since banned it.....none of the people who called me an unfit mother called to apologise!
Take care
Jen NZ

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:25 am
by hope16_05
You as a parent have the right to not have your child vaccinated. There were several kids that I went to school that were not vaccinated for one reason or another and I dont remember them ever having much trouble.

As a female college student there is lots of pressure the get several vaccinations but in no way am I going to get them! There is simply not enough research out there for me to trust having that put into my body. Its all a matter of personal choice!
Good luck and dont feel like abad parent if you choose not to have your child get shots!
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:37 am
by F-Litz
My eldest daughter had bad reactions to vaccinations. So when Maia was born we knew we would WAIT until she was older to vaccinate. We started with an infant dose of polio with no bad preservatives when she was 3 and she was sick for two weeks (not breathing well). Then 3 months later we tried just tetanus (only because she was falling so much in the playground) and she couldn't breathe for a whole month after that. So we stopped. No experimentation anymore. Her doctor had no problem with us stopping . Her school had no problem with it (public school) and all of the doctors we've seen since and hospitals we've been to have no problems with it.

At school however, as soon as they have what they determine to be a breakout, Maia will have to stay home for at least a month and get home schooled until the school clears out. This is something they do with any child who is not vaccinated.

There is a theory that her pulmonologist/immunologist explained to's called something like protection of the herd. If a child lives in an area where all the kids are vaccinated - then the child is covered because the "herd is covered" and so we shouldn't worry.

FYI I know a child who got a bpi from a chicken pox vaccine. I also know a child who got a bpi from tetanus vaccine. That's really scary for me.

So in summary. We don't do vaccines. However, I don't know if Maia's going to be doing any traveling to third world countries either.

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:02 am
by m&mmom
I respect everyone's right to choose whether they vaccinate or not. I'm going to school right now to be a dr of naturopathy so that should give you an idea where I stand on the subject :-) . Even before starting the program I regretted vaccinating my kids - now I regret it even more. My peds office used scare tactics to pressure me into my decision to vaccinate. I just ordered a vaccine detox for my whole family to take so at least now I can reverse what I think are the harmful effects of vaccination. I don't think it has to do with BPI and vaccinations - I think it's the vaccinations themselves and what they're made of. Based on what I now know I will not be vaccinating my children further and if it is ever a problem with the school I will simply just write a letter stating it is not within my belief for them to be vaccinated and the school will be fine with that.

I wish you luck with your decision, I know it's a hard one to make.

And if you choose not to vaccinate I would recommend supporting your child's immune system with non-synthetic vitamin c and a good quality echinacea supplement.

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:25 pm
by jordan1
I dont belive that these shots for our children are imporant any more after seeing this dvd today called vaccine-nation. This dvd is something that all parents should see. I use to believe that my children should get there vaccinations but after seeing this they will not be getting them anymore. We as Americans are brain washed into thinking that doing that is good for our children when it really isnt and it causes a lot of problems in kids sometimes death and a lot of times Autism and a lot of other stuff. If interested you should really order this dvd it is by a man named Gary Null and you can look him up on the computer and also i think the website for the dvd is vaccine-nation .com. If it is not that then i will find out the correct address for it.I am stiil going to do more research on these vaccines.

Re: Vaccinations...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:36 am
by jordan1
Where did you get the vaccine detox from? And how does it work?