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Does bpi make you feel lazy?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:21 pm
by diargasm
It's me Andre again. I haven't been here for a few months now. I've been trying to live a normal life lately, but seem to come back to the same problems that I had when I had the accident a few years ago.

For those who don't remember I had a car accident back in September 03, which avulsed a few of my nerves. I got my bicep back to a satisfactory state after a surgery at the Kaiser Permanente hospital by Dr. Edgerton and Dr. Kazmiroff where they gave me that "oberlan procedure (sp)". My tricep came back on its own - although it is relatively weak. I had nerve transfer for my shoulder to gain lift. That surgery was successful, but the results are a mixed bag. For my wrist drop they had me get a tendon transfer. I can open my hand out, but it only works to a certain point, because the tendon relies on my fingers - not my wrist, so when it gets far back enough it curls my fingers down.

The main problem that I have that has been annoying me lately is reaching out to people who i just meet to shake their hand. It comes off looking awkward, and unless they know of my condition beforehand, they give a weird look. I was wondering how people dealt with that here. And also, I don't know if it's just me as a person, but I've got an immense feeling of laziness that is just driving me nuts. My friends always ask me to go parties/clubs/raves and I always get a nervous reluctance to go. I'd prefer to stay home or do something that involves less activity.

Re: Does bpi make you feel lazy?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:59 pm
by Shorts
For the handshake, switch hands. May seem weird at first, but it let's you control the situation and doesn't put you on the spot.

When I shake hands and I'm holding a drink in one hand (like at cocktail parties and whatnot), I either hand my drink off to my husband or awkwardly hold it with my other hand. It does get an awkward look, but people get over it fast. Or they get curious and just ask out right and it forms understanding and all is well.

As for feeling lazy, I think we can all feel lazy now and again. Really, looking at the activities you listed as not wanting to go to (nightlife), why not change those activities up ad do new things you've never tried before? It stimulates the brain and sense of adventure to do new things and you won't be bored. In fact you might pick up new activities you really want to put your energy too. After my accident I do a lot more snowskiing, hiking, riding motorcycles, shooting, etc etc...doing more of the activities I never tried because I was so occupied.

As for the nightlife, its possible you're outgrowing that scene. Yes, it happens. You could just need a break from it or decrease the frequency at which you go out. I'm not saying stop those stuff all together, but maybe back off and give yourself so time to miss it and really want to go rather than to force yourself to be where you're not thrilled about being. I've had the same experience. I love going out to the dance halls, but I got tired of the same 'game' and my reasons for going changed. Now that I'm not able to go as much, I miss it and crave the next time I go.

Just some food for thought.

Re: Does bpi make you feel lazy?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:54 pm
by ptrefam
Could you tell me what the oberlan procedure is? I see you said it gave you bicept. How much function or strength did you get with this procedure?

Re: Does bpi make you feel lazy?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:26 pm
by Joel
Or do what I do, Give them the fist bump

Joel (26, TRBPI, Portand, OR)