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Good luck to this woman

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:07 am
by richinma2005

Re: Good luck to this woman

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:26 pm
by Tanya in NY
Doesn't look good for the physician that the hospital already had settled with the parent.

It always takes so long to get the this phase...such a shame.

Just reading all of the situation in print (and I know this is just a small recap) brings such sadness to the day.

Best wishes to this family for an outcome that will allow them to heal together.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, almost 5 years old

Re: Good luck to this woman

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:00 pm
by ptrefam
Best of luck to her!!
"That the standard of care does not require her to set her alarm or to otherwise wake herself up during the night to determine the progress of a patient in labor but can rely on the nursing staff at Anderson Hospital to assess the patients condition and call when appropriate;

That Thiel was exhausted from active stage one labor and did not push effectively"

She states herself that Theil was exhausted from stage one labor, doesn't that implicate that she should have taken precautions knowing that it was likely this would affect the rest of the labor/delivery?

Just my thought on it.
Don't you wish the jury pool would include one parent with a BPI child, or at least knowledge of BPI.

Message was edited by: ptrefam

Re: Good luck to this woman

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:25 am
by Ben's Dad
What bothers me is that they won't allow other cases or settlements be the jury views this case in a vacuum. I disagree with that completely. Why is ok to put someone away for life if they commit the same crime 3x, but our society condones a doctor's incompetence if he has multiple malpractice cases, settlements, judgments, etc... doesn't seem fair to me.

Re: Good luck to this woman

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:09 pm
by Sidney's Mom
I agree with one of the posters who said that the courts will put other criminals away but allow doctors to continue to be incompetent. It kills me. I am a social worker and work with abused children. I can say without any doubt (and experience in the matter) that if I had done this (brachial plexus injury) to my daughter, she would have been removed from me by the state and I would have been prosecuted to the extent that the law allows. So called professionals that continue to hurt children day in and day out that can't be stopped infuriates me. If a case settles out of court in the state of Florida, the case is never filed with the doctor's medical license. It's not fair. I know of three other children who our OB hurt. When will it end? Our daughter's case is so similar to the one listed in this news article, it brings tears to my eyes and brings the anger back all over again. I feel for all parents and children who have been affected for the rest of their lives by the incompetence of those that we all trusted to take care of our most precious gifts... our children.