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My story

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:22 pm
by swimmer15
I’ve only posted here once or twice, I mainly just lurk. I figured I would share my story so here it goes. Sorry so long.
My story starts out the morning of August 15 2006 when I managed to wrap my GSX-600R along with myself around a fence post. I didn’t seem too bad I was on the ground unable to lift my right arm ok I’m thinking everything else seems fine, broken arm no big deal. Turned out to be a compound fracture of right clavicle and a unknown injury to the brachial plexus.
All I can say is I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. But that’s not why I decided to post. I decided to post for those who are having a hard time and feel like this has taken control of there life somehow.
After my injury I was laid up for a month and returned to work mid September I ditched the sling, pain pills and started physical therapy by the end of September with range of motion stuff. I guess around December It was determined that my injury was more serious I hadn’t regained any function other than my hand really. EMG showed nothing to the upper trunk of the plexus C-5 and C-6 and some C-7 muscles . I was referred to Dr Matloub at Foedtert in Wisconsin. He and his team determined I needed surgery to explore the plexus and to repair the clavicle. Surgery was scheduled for March then June then May 15 on May 8th it was again changed to August. I kind of got mad. This time I guess I lost hope for a min or so then told myself I was on my own.
That’s when I decided I would either get it to work or I would rip it off. Not doing something wasn’t a option. I worked until I got it or it ached so bad I couldn’t stand it, then I iced, messaged and was at it again. I kept the same mentality up until surgery August 14th. By the middle of June I had regained approx 65-70% of my arm function.I was dribbling, and shooting a basketball, pushups, pull ups and anything else I wanted to do except hold my arm more and say 35-40deg straight out or to the side, I could lift it just not hold it. They figured I was just throwing it but when I could do it very controlled while lying down they figured the broken bone was why I couldnt do so against gravity.This was when I went to have a EMG done and have my current progress documented. Looked good, I was firing at all the muscles, the muscle fatigued very rapidly but all was working. Great news that meant it was healing and I would only need to have the bone repaired. Dr Matloub ask me the morning of the surgery what I wanted to do, he said we can explore since we’re cutting you anyway and if there is scare tissue we can remove it to help. I said well we have to do surgery so if it can make my recovery any faster than I think we should look at the nerves also.
I awoke and was doing great, when Dr Matloub come in to tell me the outcome all I could think was when can I start therapy. When he told me the nerves were avulsed it didn’t even click at first,we had all figured at this point it was scar tissue. He said C-5 and C-6 was avulsed and he had to do two nerve grafts. The moral of this is don’t let this stop you from anything you want to do, it’s a awful circumstance and one hell of a battle but its not the end of the world and shouldn’t hold you back. Now I have to wait until the 8th (hopefully) for the bone to heal so I can start all over…
Oh....In case your wondering how the muscles were working and my shoulder didnt sublex....At first it was....As I worked it the muscles and tendons strengthened and pulled it back in.....I dont have a clue and DR Matloubs team was all scratching there heads....They think it was C-7 and T-1 innervating.

Re: My story

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:02 pm
by swimmer15
Guess i have posted more than i thought.

Re: My story

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:14 am
by Aurelia
wow, whats really strange is that the emg showed c5 and c6 firing yet they were avulsed when they did the exploration. i don't think the shoulder sublucts right away, it takes a few years and can depend on other muscles, if your c7 is working and other muscles around the shoulder it might never subluct.

Hard work is fine, but unfortunately when its avulsed, its not going to work unless you undergo some sort of nerve/muscle surgery for some sort of compensation which you have done.

All in all,U seem to have recovered very well in a short space of time, and good luck for future recovery.