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Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:35 pm
by Tanya in NY
Anybody know if I will have to put Amber in a carseat on the airplane for the trip to camp? She's almost 5 (in November), weighs 40 lbs., and has been using a high-back booster seat since she turned 4 years old per NY State's carseat law. We're using AA and their website didn't really help. All I could find was information for infants less than 2 years, and that booster seats were not allowed. I've never had my kids on a plane before, so input from those who have would be helpful. Thanks.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 4 1/2 years old

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:39 pm
by tweetybirdkim
My children have not used a car seat on the plane out of Long Island. My nieces are both 4 and just took the plane out of Newark and they didn't need a car seat.
I hope this helps you.

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:01 pm
by Amy Clark
There was a discussion about this topic a few months ago. Search the forum for car seat and it may come right up.

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:04 pm
by Amy Clark
i just bumped up one of the posts. There are a few more that are easy to find. When my daughter was five, we did not use a seat for her on the plane. But we did stow her booster so we could use it in the rental car. I never like to use anyone else's seat - they are not supposed to be used once they are in an accident, and I don't trust anyone!

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:37 am
by tomp
I'm sure someone will post something on this. Here's my take on flying with kids.

I'm not thinking the airlines care too much. I say this because, when we were flying with our youngest, he didn't have a seat. They did give us a seat belt that we could put around him and attach to our seat belt. This seemed hoky, but I think it was to prevent the child from flying around during turbalence.

Really, if a plane goes down, a seatbelt, child seat isn't going to help.

So, I guess my answer doesn't really help. Maybe I can offer some other peice of advice. Actually, I don't have any help. Our child isn't 5 yet, so I have no experience. We've flone many times from California to Phili (Shriners) and had things down. Make sure you bring an extra set of close in your carry on, so when your child throws up on you, you'll be able to change. We bought a portable DVD player also for long trips.

We try to fly Southwest (when we can) because they don't have assigned seating. We get to board first since we have small children. That way, if someone is seated next to us, they either like kids or were late to the plane (and it's their fault if they are stuck next to screeming kids). We learned this the hard way when a pompus a$$ was seated next to us.

Bring a bottle of water/apple juice/milk that they can drink on the way up to help with the pressure change. Or buy some chewable candy. Wait until you're actually taking off to give it to them. You don't want to give it before then, because you might get stuck on the runway and have to ask the flight attendent for some extra water. Then when you burp them, they'll throw up on you because you've given them 2 liters of liquid (You're fine tho since you have an extra shirt.)

BTW, my wife has traveled with herself and our kid. Even with the security measures, you can get a boarding pass to get to the gate. I was able to go to the ticket counter and ask for a boarding pass to help my wife from the gate.

Sorry if I was unable to help you, but maybe I gave some good advice for others.

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:02 pm
by ptrefam
I don't think that airlines require car seats on the planes. When we traveled this past summer there was a family with 3 children 4 and under(and u thought u had it rough, lol). I noticed them picking up the car seats from the luggage pick-up area when the plane landed. Yup they checked 3 car seats and had 2 strollers. Think that was their quota on luggage, lol.
Anyway to make the trip a little easier I always pack a back pack for my younger one. I put in a pen, few crayons, don't want to play 64 pick up, so I limit it to about 6 or 8. A color book and activity book, reading book, deck of cards and a couple of snacks ie: pretzels, fun fruits just something incase.
The older children usually take their i-pods and books. Portable DVD player might be good too.

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:48 pm
by katep
A seat is only required if a child is under 2 and has their own seat. If they are over 2 or flying as a lap child (under 2) they do not use a car seat. Only and airline approved (must have sticker) 5-pt-harness seat is allowed for any age. Booster seats are not allowed because, since there is only a lap belt, there is no need to adjust the position of the seatbelt, and they could become projectiles in the event of a crash or bad turbulence.

I've found that our Britax Roundabout is reasonable to lug through airports and onto the plane; our Britax Boulevard is most certainly not. And besides, a bigger child and bigger car seat just means they are up higher where they can more effectively kick the seat back in front of them!!

If you ARE flying with a carseat, you may have to recline the airplane seat to give enough room for the carseat. Otherwise your seat might not fit in facing backwards and/or your child may not have enough leg room. Since the carseat is restraining the child independent of the seat back, the stewardesses should not have a problem with you reclining the seat during the entire flight including takeoff and landing. I've only had to debate this once (I won) but it was worth it because it creates SIGNIFICANTLY more room for the child and carseat!


Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:50 pm
by katep
tomp made a good point that might have gotten lost!

You CAN have a helper get a pass to take you all the way up to the gate and/or meet you at the opposite end if you are travelling alone with a child or need extra assistance. They just have to go to the ticketing desk and get a special boarding pass to get through security. So you don't have to go it alone. They can even meet you at the gate via the same method rather than in baggage claim.


Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:26 pm
by angelsmom
We fly Delta. and No you don't have to have a child seat/bosster seat on the plane to ride for 4 & up, BUT once you get where you going you will need one to get into most taxi's or car. The airline will put your carseat in bagage ahead as it may cost extra, but it didn't cost us extra. Hope it helps.

Re: Carseat on airplane?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:26 am
by Kristie
You will not be required to use a car seat on the airplane. There are no rules that require the use of a car seat. I pretty much never use car seats on airplanes. For my older kids I never felt it was necessary as they were just a comfortable and safe without (I don't think they crash test car seat from an airline saftey perspective). And while it would have been nice to have for the younger ones (under two) I didn't buy them a seat so I had to hold them on my lap.

Car seats meet different saftey standards for air planes which booster seats do not meet (they have to have an internal harness system to meet the standard) And if I recall from my car seat training class (I used to be a certifited car seat person~ betcha didn't know there was such a thing!) that basically to be airline safe the internal harness had to hold a 40lbs child sized dummy in it when turned upside down. Since a booster seat without an internal harness can't do that they are not allowed. Do bring her booster but check it with your luggage (these are not usually counted in your checked baggage limit).

Message was edited by: Kristie