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Need help for Awareness

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:03 am
by TRESSpiper2005
I decided to put this under this board, but I am not sure where it goes.Yall are not gonna believe this!

The story...I felt moved to put the video by Allison on my website on myspace. Most of you know that. Three days ago I felt pressed to do something for awareness. BUT DID NOT KNOW WHAT! Then out of the blue, I got it......and I know this was God working on me. I had the idea for a motorcycle ride for awareness. Awareness for OBPI and since it can be caused by accidents the TBPI as well. I thought about this and thought about this. My brother n law is in motorcycle Gang in Arkansas, but my husband said they probably wouldn't do it. So I prayed, and I prayed yesterday and last night. And this morning in the paper, was a article about a Christian motorcycle group called Road Riders for Jesus. They tell how they are a nondenominational group trying to spread the message. AND that they love to go where God calls them when others need their help. MY ANSWER!!
SO I shook all over and felt like crying, and although it was only 7:12am, I called this woman......and she answered. So polite. Her husband is the local chapters head person. Not sure his title.
I explained that I was sorry to call so early and then explained my last three days ordeal. Her reply...God works in mysterious ways. Give me some information, we have a meeting August 22, and I will bring this up. We will need some information I gave her the UBPN address and told her about the pamphlets, and that I had the video, and would share any information they needed. She said hunny, we can not do it this year we have a lot of rides, but since awareness week is in October, we can try for next year if that is OK. OK...OMG....I cried. And cried and cried and told God how sorry I was for ever doubting him. Because we have been through so much and I saw no end. My mind is forever changed.
This is the kicker...they have groups all over the U.S. So, this is my though,please take a minute to go to their website and contact a chapter closest to you. If we can get ALL chapters involved, imagine the awareness this will bring.
I need some help here, never ever been pressed so strongly by The Lord for anything.
I called and left Nancy a message, hoping to hear from her sometime today. Let's see where this takes us.
mom to Piper, LOBPI

Re: Need help for Awareness

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:52 am
by Carolyn J
What is your web site address/name(? I've never gone to My Space before...)on My Space? I'd like to check your sight out & see Allison's video. Yes, at 69 I am getting braver in surfing the web, a litle...LOL. :)

HUGS all around,
Carolyn J

Re: Need help for Awareness

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:58 am
by TRESSpiper2005
Sure , no problem, I didn't even think to add if in case anyone has not seen Allisons video yet. My myspace url is
The funny thing is, until this month, I idn't haev one either. But I figured awarenss is a great thing there casue you never know who will see yor profile. And I have met some wonderful people on there.
OH,You can also find the video on you tube, Thanks to Francine.