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we lost
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:22 pm
by tcon
I dont even know what to say except it really sucks. I have a child with good recovery and no surgery so I think that really was the deciding factor. Also opposing counsel kept talking about 1% chance of shoulder dystocia and it is not predictable nor preventable. I think that is what stuck out in the jurys mind
Good luck to everyone else out there.
At least I can use my login again
Re: we lost
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:25 pm
by claudia
I am so sorry. There are no words.
welcome back with your login...
Re: we lost
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:45 pm
by mlynn
sooooo sorry i wish you the best!!!!!!!!! this is not ok! no matter the recovery there will always be a loss! bless u and ur family my heart goes out to you!
Re: we lost
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:47 pm
by mlynn
p/s it is preventable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: we lost
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:56 am
by Tanya in NY
I'm sorry to hear about your legal loss. Such energy and time spent only to have it shot down must be very hard. I am glad to hear that your child is showing good recovery, and that you are able to log back in now.
Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 4 years old
Re: we lost
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:22 pm
by Jake'smom
I'm so sorry to hear this news. I wanted to thank you though for talking to me after my son was born. I know I sent you many a long email so thanks for listening. The part of it not being preventable is what scares me the most b/c if doctors really think that, then they won't ever learn how to prevent this condition. Sorry again that things didn't go your (our) way this time.
Re: we lost
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:27 am
by swhite1
I'm sorry I'm just getting started here and I need you folks a great deal. I seem to be way behind and don't have a lot to offer. Like tos of questions. For example What did we lose? I ask very heartfelt because I am sensing a definate 'family' here, and also what is camp? and am I too late for this one or early for the next? My son just asked me how would people like us be able to use a zip line? I simply smiled and told him we'll use or good arms. I am proud to say he has taken an intrest now that I've shown him I am way not alone anymore and we are family far and wide. Peru, India, Australia, New England, wow it just blows my my mind to now know we are out there.
Re: we lost
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:53 am
by Carolyn J
Welcome to ask any question on any of the message boards. UBPN is 'officially' a Network of everyone connected to, or has, a Brachial Plexus injury from a birth trauma or a "traumatic accident of some kind..however,i began calling ya'll a "family" because we are all in this together, we come here for everything be it medical infro/resources, a place to vent and share experiences.In addition, I rediscovered JOY and HOPE. For 65 years I was alone and had no information.
I hope you and your son come to UBPN Camp sometime. It is awesome & hard to discribe the sight of Joy & surprise in a child's eyes in seeing someone like them.
Carolyn J
Message was edited by: Carolyn J
Message was edited by: Carolyn J
Re: we lost
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:17 am
by ptrefam
Camp is for people with BPI and their families. It is in Washington state this year. As I understand it, it is filling fast but you still have time. There is a form on line or if you get the Outreach Magazine that is published. You can request the Outreach by contacting I believe. You may not have time to get the Outreach so I would say to try to find the forms on line if you can. Sorry I don't remember where they were listed.
I am so glad to hear that your son is taking more of an interest now. Also, that you have found our family. This site has been such a help and great resource for us with our son.
I would strongly suggest you see a BPI specialist and see if there is any treatment out there for you. Your injury is still new and there are many options.
Re: we lost
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:39 am
by Carolyn J
Swhite1 and Sue
Camp forms are linked on our Home page. forms are in the downloadable word pages.
Carolyn J