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Udate Masen

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:43 pm
by tk
Masen goes back to the Mayo clinic on July 12 for another EMG. Remember his surgery was in January of 07. The doctors did say it could be up to a year before we see anything, but I see that between four and six monthes some people are seeing some twitches or something, we have not seen anything with Masen, do you think that is a bad sign? Thanks for any input. TK

Re: Udate Masen

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:45 pm
by EllenB
Priscilla is right that nerves grow about an inch per month. So one question you need answered from the doctors is how many inches away from the muscle is the repaired nerve. That will give you a ballpark of how many month's growth is needed before the muscle can be innervated. Don't lose faith!

Take care,
