Wow was I impressed with Dr. Filler!
He really seems to know his stuff. He was trained by Dr. Klien and has done 300 complete plexus surgeries.He specializes in re-ops. and seems to have very good results. He will be using the transaxillary approuch to my lower plexus and reopen my previous scare at the clavical to redou the upper part. It will be at least a 5hr. surgery. I will stay in L.A. for 1 week post op. and then hopefully be able to travel home to spokane wa.I'm excited and a little scared ,I've been down this road before.
surgery 5/14 by Dr.Aaron Filler
Re: surgery 5/14 by Dr.Aaron Filler
Good luck flowerchild !!! Hope your surgery goes well.....please keep us posted.