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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:18 pm
by Brittany
Do a lot of others experience a popping around their scapula area and a winging out of the scapula? i was just wondering because these are two things i experience, and since ive never talked with anybody else with this, i was just wondering what all people experience.
thank you!
Brittany, age 20 (LOBPI)

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:58 am
by Carolyn J
I personally don't, but I encourage you to keep reading posts on THIS message Board all the way back thru 2006 because I am a daily reader and I remember posts mentioning this.

FYI, the 2 other college students with servere OBPI's are Amy T(20)studying to be an OT..and Marieke(31) studying to be an RN,both are 2nd year students.Perhaps it was Amy or Marieke's posts....they'll chime in soon as studies permit, I am sure!! We are all cheering them on as it is all very demanding. Brittany they BOTH are planning attending CAMP 2007 on Labor Day weekend so you PLEASE plan to come too. Believe me, you won't regret it & I promise you it will be LIFECHANGING. The next issue of OUTREACH Magazine wsill have all information about Camp so please send your mailing address. It's FREE!! I hope your Mom comes too.

BTW, there are NO DUMB QUESTIONS on any of the Message Boards.I learn sooo much from parents, teens and you "young-uns'". :)'s on all the message boards!!

I am happy you are here in our UBPN Family :) of support,love and great accurate information.

HUGS all around,
Carolyn J
LOBPI,68 & 1/2 & proud of it!! :)

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:14 pm
by marieke
Hey there, btw Carolyn I LOVE YOU!!

Yes I have winging of my scapula and my shoulder sometimes gets stuck and makes popping sounds... doesn't usually hurt though, just anoying. I do have some pain if I am hunched when I am writting/typing too long, pain like a burning sensation.

btw, had a GREAT week in clinical! Crazy busy demanding patients, but good! AND the teacher I have who once doubted my abilities (due to TM and OBPI) said she was PROUD of me and that I changed her mind about how/what she thought of my capabilities!

Marieke (31, LOBPI)

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:02 pm
by Beckyerin
My scaupla does not wing but sits kinda close to my arm.

A winging scapula is not uncommon for brachial plexus injuries because the muscle that anchors it down in your armpit area(serratus anterior) is innervated by the nerves of your brachial plexus. So if its weak it can't quite do its job

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:20 am
by Brittany
Okay thanks for the replies. My whole scapula area is what gives me the most problems. Also another question...does anybody understand why i would feel numbness or a funny feeling in my pinky finger? it feels funny to me.
and you know what i just realized. when i was younger and was learning my left hand from my right the way i could tell was that i could "feel" the difference and my friends would think im weird. Can ya'll "feel" a difference, like your BPI arm is just smaller and such than your good arm?
okay well thast all for now. take care!!!!
Brittany, age 20 LOBPI

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:27 am
by Carrie
Yeah, I know the feeling thing. It's hard to describe, for me it's like a constant sort of pull, but inside the arm? But I've had a few experiences of not being able to feel that and realizing that it is a constant thing. It's like if you had ringing in your ears your whole life and you never realized it until it stopped one day. I hope that makes sense.

I think you should get the numbness or tingling checked out by a neurologist because I think they might be signs that a nerve is being pinched.

My shoulder popped a lot too, but around the joint and rotator cuff. I had a "rotator cuff decompression" a few years ago (about 5.5 years ago) and it helped the popping a lot. Now my shoulder feels like it glides around in the joint more. It used to feel like it was popping in and out.

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by Carolyn J
Yes, I've always had periodic numbness in the fingers of my left hand. As I understand it it's because the nerves all grew odd ways and wrong ways because of those specific injured nerves. I've also experience wierd lightening strike-like shock pains in that part of my neck if I turned my neck to suddenly...or whatever!...others have shared that same thing. Most
"BPI-ers" experience sensory dysfunctions of one kind or another.It is called "SENSORY INTERGRATION DYSFUNCTION"...there is a large topic thread on this.
Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: Question

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:46 pm
by Brittany
I get the lightening strike shocks, but i get mine in my shoulder around my scapula. sometimes this BPI just gets frusterating no matter how positive i try to be about it.