government support

This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).
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government support

Post by admin »

For those of you who don't know I am Australian and have a son with OBPI. After 2 years we finally have the approval and money to enable us to fit out the workshop with extra equipment to enable our son to work more efficiently and safely as a motor mechanic. It has taken 2 years but we were able to get 2 hoists, an oil drainer and a trasnmission lifter. Check out your own government as often you are not told of these possibilities. We were able to access it through a disability apprenticeship scheme. Only for areas requiring lifting above shoulder height were considered in his case as he is OK below that. We used the long term effects of this injury and the likeihood of overuse if this equipment weren't supplied. Adapt it to whatever but be assured it isn't easy you have to continue to fight and keep at them. Don't give up. We needed a report from an OT which clinched it. Good luck to all in getting something to make life easier.
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Re: government support

Post by admin »

Lyn, thanks for the info. I have a daughter that is 18 and left obpi we are currently trying to get some assistance with college tution from "vocational rehab"we will find out in june if they are going to help her. My feeling is these kids have a long row to hoe, and any help they can get is great! If any one else has tried the voc rehab rout let me know. I would love to hear from you. Thanks, Crystal
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Re: government support

Post by njbirk »

I got 4 years of full tuition, fees, and books to any state university in Ohio from the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation. It was fairly easy (meaning a minimum of paperwork -- one still had to meet their standards for disability) to get but that was way back in 1971! The program still exists and is a national program administered by the voc. rehab. office in each state. But erb's palsy qualified back then and certainly should today. One of the main things they looked at was, if the person was capable of doing manual labor of any kind. If not, then they qualified.
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Re: government support

Post by Stephanie »

I was also offered 4 years of full tuition at a state college, etc., also in early 1970's from the dept. of rehabilitation. I didn't go because I was 22, working, and had car payments,bills, etc.The conditions from the state of New Jersey at the time were that I absolutely could not have any income to qualify. I will always think of it as "one" of my biggest regrets.
Today, they will give you a percentage of tuition to a state university in N.J., currently $1,800, and $600 for text books. I know this because my son is disabled, also, and this information was given to us just last week.

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Re: government support

Post by Kathleen »

I knew I was born too soon. I had no idea that I could have gotten college tuition...
I went to work at 17 when I graduated H.S. I had no choice. My Dad was dead and my SS was to stop at 18... Never once did anyone advise me that I could have continued on SS to go to college... I am so happy to read that they will help the kids with college... wow... that is great!...

Like you Steff... I had to work to support..and to support my MOM too... Do you think they would send me now????? LOL.... or is the brain to old to learn...LOL...

I am so happy to read that they will help with college tuition... This increases the ability of the obpi to gain employment without predjuice against the disability.... I know there is no predjuide against disabled...right... I really had to be sure that my employers did not notice it at first or I might not have gotten hired... I learned that early on during my first job hunt... but that was in 1957... Thank God things have changed...
Thanks Nancy & Lyn for bring this out....

Now I have to remodel my entire kitchen to get equipment I can use... like wall oven and raise my diswasher etc... Think I can get help or a tax deduction for that... ?....

As long as I am making a wish list ....
What I really want is a Hot Tub.... When ever I get script for therapy. It says water but no place has it and when I found one the water was too cold... below 90 degrees... Could you just see how easy it would be to do ROM and stretch in hot water... ok dreaming on...LOL