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Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:32 am
by charwinter
It has been a long time since I posted on here. I am Karrie's mom and she has a left brachial plexus injury resulting from delivery/birth.

We have come across a problem at school and I knew that this was the place to come and see if anyone has any great suggestions.

We has a parent teacher interview last night and the teacher thinks that the reason why Karrie's books are so messy is that she can't hold her book in place while she writes like most of us do. We usually put one hand on the paper while we write on it with the other hand. Karrie is right handed and tried to put her left arm on the paper to hold it in place but can't do it properly so her books are moving around while she is trying to write and erase.

Anyone know of anything we can use to help with this problem? It would be even better if it is not obtrusive -something that wouldn't make her feel too different from the other kids in class.

Charmaine (Karrie's mom)

Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:10 am
by njbirk

Oh boy do I identify with that.

It was a crucial moment for me when I was in kindergarten and burst into tears because I couldn't hold the paper steady enough to color in the lines like the other kids. It was the first time I really remember that I was different.

My suggestion would be to use a clipboard. They have some that are colorful and plastic and that would help hold the paper and/or books in place.


Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:16 am
by charwinter
Thanks for your response. That is a good suggestion.

I was wondering how I can keep the clipboard in place...the clipboard will still move around!!!


Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:26 am
by Carolyn J
Can Karrie kinda cuddle/brace & grasp the top of the cliboard with her BPI side arm in some manner? that's what I do AFTER I learned it here on UBPN!

I bet there is also a suction cup thingy too you could add to the clipboard.

Hugs all around,
Carolyn J
Adult LOBPI, 68 & Proud of it!! :)

Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:26 pm
by brandonsmom
Why don't you try using that shelf liner they sell. It is hard to explain but it does not slip about one of those pads that they sell at the autoparts store....the ones that hold anything to your dash board....yes, they do work....!!!! My son has used a clipboard...he is too vain know he is in third grade!!LOL Another idea is velcro on the desk and on the clipboard will keep it firmly in place. Good luck GAYLE

Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:54 pm
by claudia
There is a product that you can find in therapy catalogues and online. It is called "dycem". It is a rubbery product that lays flat. You can get it completely smooth or with some ridges. It comes in colors, too. It is washable, with warm water and soap. We used a dycem pad for Juliana to hold her cereal bowl in place when she was smaller. The flat sheets you can actually put paper on and write. This is great stuff!

Juliana has figured out a way to hold her paper, so we don't use it anymore (tho I am sure it would help if we did!). Of course, it is easier to hold the paper down if she stands up, so she stands up a lot.

Here are two links to companies that sell dycem (one of them is a boat company, but they have a huge selection!)

good luck,

Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:37 pm
by dunloe
My child with RBPI had exactly the same problem; she is a lefty. I bought her a child's desk -- where she would be snug to the table top -- and encouraged her to anchor the upper corner of the paper with her left elbow and rest her forearm across the top of the paper. She was comfortable, and the paper no longer shifted as often. If it did she would just re-situate herself.

Nevertheless, her handwriting in kindergarden and into her current first grade remains quite poor. But that has not affected her grades at all. My daughter loves to write, so her teacher and I never fuss about her handwriting.


Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:49 pm
by dunloe
Correction: she anchors the paper/book page with her right (BPI) elbow and rests her forearm across the top of the paper or book...

Just can't get that left and right straight! Which is really funny to me. My older sister to whom I am very close recently celebrated 25 years of marriage. During her wedding she actually argued with the Priest as to which hand was her left to receive her ring!


Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:50 am
by ZaidraZavian
The first site you listed has some really fantastic "stuff" for people w/bpi. I clicked on "single-handed" and found a world of wonder that we could use for our kids!!! THANKS!!! :)

Re: Please - some school help needed (keeping book in place?)

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:32 am
by parent needing help
we use dycem (sp?) as well. Our OT gave us a couple of pieces since it can be expensive to buy it in rolls. We also have a slant board that has a clip board type thing on it. The teacher had told us she was leaning more and more and eventually lying on her paper. This seems to be helping with that issue, her handwriting, the the upper back pain and she is getting stronger in her upper back / shoulder area as well since holding her back up straight now. But you ar right, a plain thin clipbaord will most likely wonder around too.

I can't wait until I don't have to use this pseudoname anymore. Most of the case is settled and the end is in sight. It is a shame the attorneys come on here and use our slightest progress against us. It' sorta like, oh look he/she got an O in math, the injury must not be affecting him/her too bad.

Sorry about the rant, I just hate posting with a weird name. Ask the OT/PT about the dycem, it really does help.