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WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:36 pm
by ptrefam
When we were at Mayo last month they gave Dustin a new exercise and told us they expected him to be able to hold his arm at a right angle with light weight by the end of 4 months. Today he was able to hold it at a right angle with no weight. This was so exciting for me to watch. He did have to put it in that position, but the bicept was strong enough to hold it there for several seconds. Just wanted to share!!!

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:23 pm
by spinkydee
That is wonderful! What was the exercise? You must be so happy....Michele

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:28 am
by ptrefam
Oh yes we are happy. I cheered and he told me I am crazy, lol. He has an exercise table that my husband made for him so that when he would lay on his side on the floor it would come up to his armpit thus supporting the arm while out of gravity. So, we put this on top of the dining room table, making it armpit height while sitting. He is to put the arm up there and try to bend the elbow bringing his hand into to his mouth. When he gets as far as it can by itself he helps it the rest of the way. Then uses his other hand to make slight pressure pushing it back out while trying to use the bicept to keep it where it is. Hope this makes sense, sounds strange to me when writing it.

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:15 am
by ptrefam
Still making progress however slow!! Yesterday he called me up to his room to show me he can raise the arm from a 90% angle toward his mouth. He was sitting in a chair with the arm on the arm rest, he brought it towards his mouth without doing a backbend(he was compensating with his back and shoulder before) now he used just slight back pressure. He did it twice for me then the bicep was exhausted.

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:03 pm
by hope16_05
Sue, thats great news!!! Way to go Dustin! You keep working hard like you are and any thing is possible!
I am so happy to hear this news. Keep up the great work Dustin!
Amy 19 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:06 pm
by ptrefam
Dustin had taken a break from formal therapy. He's just been doing things in his room. Mostly trying to raise the arm from 90 degrees to his mouth. Which he can do now without any support behind it. But only when sitting. So yesterday he agreed to workout every day for 1 month. What a surprise when he layed on his back and could raise the arm all the way up over his head when doing angel wings on the rug. Previous he could only get about 70 degrees, not even straight out from shoulder, with a smooth surface under it. This is one movement they thought he would lose. Woowhooo still making progress. He can now bend it in with a 1 lb weight when on a table.

Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:39 pm
by bestbunch
Hi Sue,

What wonderful news that is for Dustin! What exercise did they give him to do? I'm sorry I didn't call you but have been really busy. My husband and I are leaving today for Texas for a 10 day vacation. Can't wait to get a little R&R! When I get back I will call you. I've decided to put the hammer down on Mike when I return and get him going on his therapy. Can't waste any more time just sitting still. Congrats to Dustin!


Re: WooWhoo another milestone!!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:29 pm
by tk
Sue, that is great, I bet you and Dustin are so happy, I hope to one day have good news to share about Masen. It is wonderful for me to read Dustin's progress. Thanks TK