I don't know anything about Cleveland but in general I would tell you to contact a children's hospital or a group (like Easter Seals) that might work more with children with physical limitations. You can ask them specific questions about what they know about bpi and if they've dealt with mod quad. But sometimes if you get a really 'interested' therapist who is willing to learn and does just that, she may end up being a GREAT therapist. In 3 1/5 years I must have made probably over 100 phone calls to track down therapists. It's not an easy task to find a good 'fit'.
The BEST thing you can do as a mom is to educate yourself as much as possible about the injury, the surgery and the post op therapy protocols so that you can do therapy at home with your child every single day.
There are two very good pages on here that will be very helpful for you to have and to pass on to a therapist you might choose.
They are found here:
hit the button for Birth Injury. The first one is Margaret Storment's Therapy Protocol Page for BPI and the other one is called Stretching the Limits. If you have a good imagination - you can turn almost anything into therapy.
I also have the TCH post surgery therapy protocols on Maia's page - look in the Mod Quad section.
Aquatic therapy is a huge plus for post mod quad kids. Try to get your little one in a warm pool (temp is important) - I also have a listing of therapy pools or how to find one, on Maia's site. Look in the therapy section.
Also -you may want to contact Karen Ritz - she runs the Columbus Support Group and she may have some family names in Cleveland area to share with you. Her email address is
ohioerbspalsy@aol.org and her website is found at
I hope this helps,
Good luck in your search,