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Hello to all new posters

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 9:31 pm
by Sharon
54 yr left obpi

Now that I spent all my time reading the new posts, I don't have time to ramble LOL And I'm not really a lurker. I simply forgot how many days it's been since I checked my email. I thought it had been about a week, ha ha It's been since the llth. But last week does not count. I've had a real bad headache which nothing touches it.

Anyway welcome, welcome, welcome. I forgot all the many new names, but it sure it good to see new posters. 20 20 did a good job. And of course Kath for putting ubpn web site on it.

Blessings to all and I'll try to keep better track of time. Sharon

Re: Hello to all new posters

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 5:01 pm
by Kathleen

I hope that big bad headache is gone... I know it must be terrible... I hardly ever even get a headache...

My daughter had migraines until she was in her thirties.... still has vertigo... but the headaches have been so much better....

My son carries a pen... small injection to stop or help when they get bad... I am hoping he will not get them anymore like my daughter and husband... He is only 29...

My husband out grew his headaches...... but he is still stuck with me.... LOL.... been together so long I can't even give him a headache...LOL..

Re: Hello to all new posters

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 10:43 pm
by Paul
when you say 20 20 did a good job" do you mean TV if so when was it? Paul

Re: Hello to all new posters

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:45 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Paul

The 20/20 Show was on March 8th... It showed a video of a baby being born and injured because of the rough delivery... This injury as you know is Erb's Palsy...
It showed the birth of two babies who's parents got 20/20 to cover the injury.... The show was to be about video in the delivery room and how some hospital are banning it... Because on these two videos it showed the pulling and tugging on the baby's head and neck... and the little arm injured...

There were tons of messages on the board too... here is the beginning of the messages.. I think... ... ction=next

I think you can get a copy of 20/20 show... from ABC - 20/20 show... and on the message boards many discovered like most of us... that they were not the only ones injured this way.

Hope this helps... Sharon... I jumped in because I did not know if your headache was better ... I hope so...

Hope this helps Paul and Welcome to the board too!