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How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:45 am
by hopeless
I am a right arm Obpi. After 35 years I decided to get a driving licence and I got it last week. I don't have a car yet but I'm going to buy (I hope)...
I'd like to get information about how you drive a car and especially what kind of car do you drive? Do you use an adapted car? And if so can you show the pictures of it?
I would be very happy if you help me...Thanks

Message was edited by: hopeless

Re: How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:22 am
by Joanie

My license is restricted to power steering or a spinner knob. Years before I learned to drive, I watched my father use a spinner knob. He bought it because he thought it would make driving easier, but he got rid of it because it got in the way and wound up being more dangerous than helpful. While watching him use it, I concluded that it was dangerous, and determined that I wouldn't use one if I ever started driving. I do just fine with power steering. I hope this helps you.

Joanie, LOBPI, 57 years

Re: How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:45 am
by ptrefam
Dustin is required to have a spinner knob. I had heard negative things about them and was a little afraid. However it is a help for him. He is able to turn tighter corners than he could with out it. We purchased his on e-bay and saved $'s. It can easily be folded out of the way for anyone who doesn't use it. Other than that he drives a Ford Taurus without any other adaptions. We chose this model as it is a 5 star crash rating. So we feel he is fairly safe in it.

Re: How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:00 am
by hopeless
Thanks for your replies. And I want more information. I can use steering wheel very well and my control is very good. The trainer who gave driving course said that. I have no difficulties using wheel but of course if it is necessary I must use knob.
What about handbrake? Ignition key? Wiper switch? Because I can use only my left arm it is very very difficult or impossible to use that components? How do you solve this problem?

Re: How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:19 am
by Judy-T
I am robpi. I have always had alot of success with Honda Accords. I can start the car with my left hand by reaching over . The gears are located in the center console along with the emergency brakes. Car manufacturers can modify things if you need it. There is a section on our website to tell you the process. Hope this helps. I would test drive the cars that you are interested in. I do have trouble when I have rented cars with the controls. So, before you buy get in and try them out.

Re: How to drive a car?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:44 am
by Carolyn J
Welcome "hopeless",
I am 68 and LOBPI and do fine with powersteering and have NO restrictions 'cause I can use my left arm & hand "some". I do not need extra accomadations or accessories. I just make SURE I always buy a car with shift ,ignition & Emergency Brake all on the RIGHT side of steering wheel. I have never had any problems with fact It is my FAVORITE thing to do especially to de-stress, I Always go for a drive thru our beautiful Washington State Parks or down thru the waterfront Drives.

HUGS,& I hope you won't be "hopeless" very long...we are here for YOU, kiddo.

Carolyn J