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Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:08 pm
by ronin
OK--now that I have your attention---my two favorite does DREZ affect sexual performance/desire/ability? I was told I could lose ALL sexual desire/ability by a Dr. other than Belzberg. This guy indicated the liklyhood of some "diminishment" or "loss of ability" in that area.He acted like there's a good chance it'll happen.Same with right leg function.He's a good Dr. so I feel he's had some experience w/this.--Also--does anybody want to talk about relationships-- emotional and physical? I'm looking and need to know from ya'll--do we(BPI'S/pain endurers) do better with "our own kind" or with "able-bodies"? I'd really like to know. All my post-bpi relationships have been with "normal" ladies. I wonder what it would be like to hook up with some one who has similar problems. Seems like it could go either way really. Comments?


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:46 pm
by cbe411
This is FUNNY! I have always been with 'abled' bodied persons... never really thought much about it. You might face some challenges with two persons with BPI, especially if it were opposite arms! hahaha... sorry... as far as the DREZ goes, I have NO IDEA.... sorry cant help ya there...Good luck!



Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:25 am
by lizzyb
Hmmm...well, it all depends how much experience the dr you were talking to actually does have with patients after a DREZ surgery. He might be talking about other injuries such as SCI where they apparently tend to burn a lot deeper and longer, particularly if the patient has no or little use of the lower limbs anyway.

I personally have never heard of anyone losing the ability or the urge for sex after a DREZ lesion, but then again, I have only ever been in contact with 5 people who have had that particular surgery. 4 of those are male.

It's good in a way that this Dr is warning you about every thing that could go wrong, but no surgery is without some kind of risk. For instance, I know of at least one person who had minor routine surgery years ago (not TBPI related) who went right off sex for years afterwards.

As for your other question, well, my Neil, who I met quite soon after getting injured is able bodied, and we have never had any probs, physically or emotionally, in fact (without getting too personal! :0) )my bungarm can be a real source of amusement sometimes! There is a cartoon, drawn by Jenny which illustrates this very well in the Raspberries section of the TBPI Group website.

If you email me, I'll send you the password to that section. I think you'll find the other 'toons in there pretty funny too. :0)


PS Good to see you posting again. Have been wondering what happened to you