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winged scapula

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:36 pm
by sandybeach
Hi, I have had a winged scapula since 9/05. The orthopedic dr. said I would get better on my own in 6 mos. I am still the same. He did an mri of my r. shoulder, which was normal. I also had the emg testing which was normal. The dr. "suspected" a long thorasic stretch injury, but also recommended an mri of my neck. Has anyone had normal emg results with thorasic nerve injury? I just found Dr. Nath's webiste and am also wondering if anyone has had the decompression surgery for this and if so what are your results? I have been the same for 8 mos. now am less hopeful that I will ever get better :(

Re: winged scapula

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:19 am
by susanfrey
Paul St. John, a Neuromuscular Therapist in St. Petersburg, Florida cured my 17 daughter's winged scapula and 4 1/2 years of chronic, progressively worsening pain in just 10 treatments. We went to the top doctors in country, all who gave give diagnoses and who wanted to do different surgeries.

The man is absolutely amazing. His website is and his phone number is 727 347-4325. Be sure to read his bio which details his 4 year battle with chronic pain. Through research he taught someone how to treat him and it cured his pain and as a result, he pioneered the St. John method of Neuromuscular Therapy. If going to St. Pete is out of the question for you, ask Marybeth, Paul's secretary for the name of a St. John-trained therapist in your area. A few moms whose children have BPIs from birth injuries have called his office and taken their children to local neuromuscular therapists. Another mom took her baby to Paul last week and after one treatment, he already has increased range of motion.

I hope you get this post. I've posted before regarding Paul St. John and my posts have been deleted. I've attached a copy of my daughter's post regarding her recovery.

If you have any questions you can e-mail me at or call me at 727 729-1223.

Good luck to you. I will help in any way that I can.


Hi Mike,

My name is Heather and I'm 17. Paul St. John, a Neuromuscular Therapist in St. Petersburg, Florida cured both my awful, horrible pain and my winging scapula in just 10 treatments.

Paul pioneered the St. John Method of Neuromuscular/Neurosomatic Therapy and is known all over the world. He has clients who fly in to see him from all over. Also, he has St. John-trained therapists all over America; I'm not sure if he has trained anyone outside the U.S., but I bet he has. He frequently goes to Europe to give seminars because the Europeans are very open to integrating alternative medicine with traditional medicine.

His office number is 727 347-4325 and his website address is Make sure that you read his bio as it's really interesting and amazing. Give his office a call and ask to speak with him directly or ask to speak to Randy Clark or Tracy Jones who are his associates and ask Paul if he knows of anyone who is St. John-trained in the UK who could cure your winging and your pain. Please tell Paul that Heather Frey and Susan Frey (my mom) referred you.

I was in chronic pain with a winging scapula for about 4 1/2 years. The pain in my scapula started about a month after I had surgery in March of 2001 to repair a labrum that I tore in my shoulder while I was training for the swimming Junior Olympics.

At first trigger point injections would help the scapula pain, but eventually they stopped working. My pain continued and I started having shoulder pain with winging scapula. Some times, when I would stop the physical therapy, the winging subsided, but if I overdid anything physical that involved my shoulder, my scapula would wing again.

I went to so many specialists and I got different opinions from all of them. One doctor told me that nothing was wrong with me and another one who is a well known shoulder surgeon for a professional baseball team told me that I'm going to come down with Muscular Dystrophy and be in a wheelchair. One doctor told me that I need a muscle transfer and another one said that I needed a scapular fusion.

Last summer and fall the pain was so intense that I hardly got out of bed. I had pain from my neck down to my hamstring and down my arm into my fingers. Some times, my leg gave out on me and I had trouble hold things in my hand and at times dropped things.

My mom found Paul St. John on the internet. We went to see Paul on October 3rd of 2005 and I went for treatments once a week for 10 weeks and was pain free by Christmas. Sometimes I still can't believe it because I feel so good and feel like a new person. It had gotten to the point where I had given up any hopes of going to college or thinking about my future because all that I could think about was pain. Pain was who I was because pain was all that I knew. I lost my whole teenage years. But it's different now. Paul gave me my life back. I'm working out now and am even swimming again. It feels so good to be happy again.

Paul is such a nice man and could totally relate to me because he was a chronic pain patient for four years too. If you go to his website, click on his bio. It is so interesting. He has helped and cured so many people who were told by doctors that they couldn't be helped or that they needed unnecessary surgeries (I had two unnecessary surgeries).

He is an amazing man and has cured many people with winging scapula and BPI injuries from birth. He has treated lots of people with BPI from little babies to adults.

The last orthopedist that I saw told my mom that she would be wasting her time and money by taking me to Paul St. John. Well, he was wrong, just like all of the other doctors.

You really should call Paul because he changed my life. My e-mail address is and my mom's is Her phone number is 239 898-8505 and she said that she would be glad to talk to you or anyone else who has winging scapula.

I hope you feel better Mike. Good luck with everything. If anyone can help you find a cure it's Paul.
