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Adam is going for his humeral osteotomy..

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:41 am
by adamsmom son adam will be going for his humeral osteotomy op in 3 weeks time. I was wondering if anyone has got any advice for me..? like what to expect in terms of pain? will he need bigger clothes to accomodate the splint? Will greatly appreciate any feedback...thanks!

Re: Adam is going for his humeral osteotomy..

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:03 pm
by GAmom
How old is your son? My son had it done in August 05 and he had a pretty large cast so yes he did have some clothes modified. He didn't complain with any pain after we got home but I gave him some regular tylenol for a few days. If you have any more quesions feel free to email me.

Ashley, mom to Brayden ROBPI

Re: Adam is going for his humeral osteotomy..

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:42 pm
by admin
Was this a forearm osteotomy? We were just advised to look into this surgery for our son - is that the same as humeral osteotomy? I would love to hear more info - what doctor you used, how it went, benefits afterwards, etc.

Thank you!

Re: Adam is going for his humeral osteotomy..

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:55 pm
by admin
Dawn, the humeral osteotomy is an osteotomy of the upper arm (shoulder to elbow area) and the forearm osteotomy is an osteotomy of the lower arm (elbow to wrist area). The humeral osteotomies are usually done to correct excessive internal or external rotation and the forearm osteotomies are usually done to correct excessive pronation or supination. Hope that helps you.