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c-5 c-6 avulsion therapy

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:00 pm
by admin
i had nerve transfer surgery for c-5 c-6 avulsion, it's been 8 weeks since surgery. can anyone share their types of therapy with me so i can compair them to mine. thanks everyone this sight has been great for finding answers to questions, my first post though.

Re: c-5 c-6 avulsion therapy

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:28 am
by Jason
well fred i have been doing range of motion, to keep the joint loose and i use a MED LABS EMS-1 Galvanic only, 0-15 milliamps D.C. 3 times a day 10 times each muscle. i often wonder if i'm doing enough but my doctor say that's all i need to do. i have read about over night stimulation being known in rat's to speed up nerve growth and grow thicker nerves, i have been looking into this. i have seen a lot of questions like your's on here and not get even one answer so don't expect much here.

Mar 27, 06 was 5 months since my nerve transfer surgery no change yet. just thought i would add that.

Re: c-5 c-6 avulsion therapy

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:54 pm
by jennyb
Hi Fred
You need to check with whoever did the surgery what therapy/exercise you need to do. Getting back into vigourous exercise is sometimes not advised. Maybe ask the doctor for a written sheet on what you should be doing, no two of these injuries are alike so anything anyone here is doing may not be right for you and your injury.
Let us know how your recovery goes :0)
Jen NZ

Re: c-5 c-6 avulsion therapy

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:30 pm
by admin
i just wanted to see what others were doing so i could ask my doctor about them thanks jenny and jason