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Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:49 pm
by Judy-T
I am scheduled next week for an emg on both arms.I have not had one for twenty plus years. Please tell me they have changed! I walked out of the last one because it was too painful. I will not have any fingernails left by next week. giving birth was easier for me than this test. any advice would be appreciated.

Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 1:24 pm
by Kathleen
Hugs to you Judy

I never had one until a little over a year ago...
and I would rather have a baby... well not really...

I think it was Dr.Nath who recommended a pediatric neuro do mine so I made an appointment waited 2 months and guess what he was out that day testifying for a bpi family!
The dr. was very nice but I bled where I should not have... and I hated it....
But I do think the information that he gained from this test on both arms are the reasons I was able to claim my disability and stop work....
The test is necessary who knows maybe since you are still so young they can help with something....

big right bpi hug for you ((((((hug>>>>>>


Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:59 pm

Can you say..........OUCH !!!!!!!!

No they have not changed!! As I've never had a baby, I'm still sure I would prefer THAT to the test :) :)

Don't know the reason you are scheduled for it, but I'm sure if it's done properly the outcome will be beneficial. I always end up multi-colored after one since I bruise so easily. No words to make you feel better............sorry........the test sucks and that's that!!

Maybe if you started drinking now, you would be soooooooo hung by next week you won't notice???

Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 6:24 pm
by Judy-T
gosh, now I am really looking forward to next week!I may have to write some more pain poetry.

Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 7:59 pm
by kathy
I had my first EMG a year ago, and I won't lie it was very scary and parts of it were painful. I had my second one just 2 months ago. It was a breeze. I think I had myself so worked up on the first one that I don't know if it was my anxiety or the actual test that was so horrible. The Dr. asked me if I was doing OK (the 2nd time) and I told him it was not something I wanted to have done every week but it was fine. By the way, I've had 2 children. Labor with the first I would rather have had the EMG; but labor with the 2nd one I would rather have had the labor.

You are gonna do fine. Just keep thinking, You don't have a 2 am feeding with this one.


Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 9:02 pm
by admin
I had the EMG 2 years ago. Sorry, there is nothing nice to say about the test. Just grit yourteeth and remember that the test gives proof that your arm is not all in your head. It's kind of interesting to see what function you don't have and how you have compensated by using other muscle groups throughout your life. Almost makes the pain worth it..... Good luck. Pat

Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 9:10 pm
by Kristie
I don't know if it will help much but the parnets talk alot about using ELMA cream... it numbs the area they are going to insert the needle. My son Ian had an EMG when he was 8 months old... and only fliched once!!!
I would demand they let you use it! It has to be put on one hour prior to the poke but I think it might be worth it! Are you also having a Nerve Conduction Study done... if so that can put the ELMA on prior to do that test and you will be almost ready with it is finished!

Re: emg

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 9:17 pm
by francine
Judy - talk to Nancy Birk- she had one done recently. Ask Nancy about what I did with her - I'd be happy to help you the same way.

Re: emg

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 2:24 am
by Joy in FL
Hugs Judy! It has been a few years for me as well however from what I understand they have not changed. I will say that the last ones I had done were somewhat easier. I always felt it was because the person doing them knew what they were doing. Which meant fewer needle jabs. It seemed for a while there I was having an EMG ever few months. I started requesting certain techs.

Funny you saying that giving birth was easier for you. I used the same method for the EMG's that I did while in labor with Adam! Focus and Breath! The tech would work with me. He/She would ask if I was ready, I would focus on a spot on the wall or the door knob or the corner, then start breathing deeply and once I was ready I would tell the tech and they would start. We had it set up if it was becoming too much if I said stop they would stop immediately!

Another thing that works for me is to focus completely on my breathing. Imagine the air coming into my mouth or nose, then picturing it passing through my mouth down my throat, into my lungs...kind of like the diagrams you see in a medical book "follow the arrow"! LOL

Long before my BPI I had a friend that taught me a little bit about self hypnosis. It has helped me through so many different procedures. Heck, it is one of the few things that helps me get to sleep at night. If you want more info let me know, I am always willing to share.

Just remember... the pain will end and you will get something out of the pain (test results). My mother gave me that bit of advice while I was pregnant. It is also very affective.

What day do you actually go?


Re: emg

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 12:08 pm
by George
Well, I hate to scare you Judy, but I'd rather have a baby too !!!!! Just kidding Jude......I've had three of them. The first one I didn't feel, as my whole arm was numb from the accident. The second one caused some pain when the doc stuck the shoulder area. By the third one, I kind of knew what to expect, so I said lets get it over with. This one hurt the most because my arm was beginning to recover. wasn't too bad.

Gee....where were all of you when I was going through MY emg's ???? LOL !!! I could have used the breathing advice............:o)

ps your fingernails for the doctor :o)