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Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:24 am
by adevoy
I have already gotten so much valuable information from this board and thank you all. My mother was attacked on vacation in the Caribbean and was shot three times at close range. One shot went through her collarbone and shoulder resulting in a BPI. She is seeing doctors at Barnes in St. Louis and has an appointment with the Mayos team in April (thanks to this forum info). She is working hard with PT and OT and has regained very slight movement of her fingers and wrist. She has constant pain and is on oxycontin (sp?), neurontin (sp?) and a morphine patch. Her attitude is positive and she is very thankful to be alive. She is 62 and very healthy and active. Is there anything else we are missing that we should be doing at this point? Thank you so much in advance for your time and help. annie (daughter)

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:21 am
by Chris' Mom
Bless your heart Annie, as I can see that you love your mother very much and want all the best possible care for her. At a young 62, she sounds like she is doing all she can to regain the use of her arm. Once you see the Mayo team, you will have many questions answered. Write them all down as you think of them. They will take good care of your mother!

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:49 am
by lizzyb
What a terrible thing to have happened to your Mother. It seems to me that you are doing the best by getting her to see the team at the Mayo. Can't offer any real advice, except to keep up with the PT and OT as this will help with reducing the amount of atrophy and stiffness later on.

All the best and good luck to you and your Mother.


Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:55 pm
by adevoy
Angie - I have followed Chris's story and in fact followed up on Mayo's after reading about his surgery, so thank you for sharing all you have learned. It has been bad enough going through this as the child, I cannot imagine going through this as a parent... (I have two boys of my own). As it seems most of the Mayos patients are young men, we have been teasing my mother about being up there with all the handsome hotrods.. I hope Chris's infection continues to clear and thank you again for taking time from all you do to offer support. It really does help to know there are others out there going through this ordeal. annie

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:13 pm
by admin
so sorry for your mother. I had a G.S.W. to my shoulder 2o years ago. Three initial surgries and two more in the past two years. The last surgery left me with little hope or struture left in my shoulder. I strongly encourage you and your mother to second guess every surgical procedure, and ask for references or success rates of thre proposed surgery. If I had not been so trusting of one of my surgeons then perhaps I would not be left with the post surgical scarring and nerve injuries. My final surgeon was Dr. Spero Kara's at Emory in Atlanta Georgia. Best wishes rob

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:17 pm
by JudyC
Good Luck with your mother my son 11 (David) had his surgery at mayo in January and the team is grand and David moved his thumb twice in the last week but still no other movement or feeling he is still in therapy and does his therapy and his stimulator here at home and thank the man upstairs absolutely no pain he only had pain while his 4 day stay in the hospital so he is lucky there. Good Luck.... Judy

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:23 pm
by denafitzit
Dear Gunshot my daughter is 32 yrs old has a Brachial plesux injury form a surgry gone wrong. it has been two yrs and all the drugs you just mentioned has not helped. She is getting ready for a spinalcord stimulator implant test. We are having faith this will help. we hear meany people have this for back pain, but have not heard of many for the hand and are, we are hopeful. It is happening on Monday the 27th I will let you know our experience. You might investagat if you haven't done so already. Hope your mom is doing good. Dena

Re: Gunshot Victim BPI Needs Help

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:55 pm
by adevoy
Rob - Thank you for your reply. You GSWs are an elite group! I was interested to read your advice about questioning all surgeries. Her current team in Missouri is saying 70% of recovery with no surgery. She is scheduled to go to Mayos at the end of the month for second opinion. I know Mayos is very surgery oriented, so we will evaluate all carefully. thanks again. annie