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Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:34 pm
by Rozishopeful
Hi Everyone,
I hope these lines find your pain levels down. I had a rough fall about 4 years ago. The first 2 years I was DX with a pinched nerve and a torn rotator cuff. My MRI said we can not rule out this tear or that one.

I had shoulder surgery. But when the Dr. went in all he could find was 2 small bone spurs.

This last year I was DX with a Right Brachial Plexus Stretch Injury , with nerve entrapment. I am having alot of circulation problems now. I have had to be off and on antibiotics for the last 2 years.

I know I need surgery if you could recommend a competant Dr. I would appreciate it with all my heart.

I have a HMO and they want to take a aggresive approach, with a T Vascular surgeon. So I am going to pay cash for surgery out of my plan. I will fly anywhere

I have a son and I can barely take care of him at this point. I appreciate your wisdom with all my heart. Big Hugs To all of you, Roz

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:08 pm
by Dulcet1pms
Hi Roz,
My name is Polly, and my hubby has personally had a nerve transplant done by Dr. Shin at the mayo clinic. We had the surgery in California when he was there, but I believe he is either in Atlanta or Minnesota. He is very gentle, and has a great bedside manner. He was very supportive to me and my son as my husband went through the process. Kurt (my hubby) is facing another surgery, and for that one, I was referred to another doctor in Maryland by the name of Dr. Allan Belzberg. His number is 1-410-614-9923, that number will take you to his assistant (Bonnie) just leave a message if she doesn't answer, and she'll get right back to you. Dr. Belzberg is located at the Baltimore Maryland Johns Hopkins hospital, and so far, I am impressed with them. Sorry that I can't give you the number for Dr. Shin, as I am not exactly sure where he went, but I do know he is with the Mayo Clinic and is a skilled physician. Good luck to you

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:31 pm
by babyryd
Hi Roz,
Sorry for all you're going through. Unfortunately BPIs are misdiagnosed all too often, delaying the appropriate care. There are some excellent BPI specialists in the states and you have a couple of them already. Dr. Shin is now in Rochester, Minnesota at the Mayo clinic and part of one of the best known BPI teams. Dr. Belzburg is also very highly regarded in this field and performed surgery on my son last June. He is an amazing neurosurgeon and we feel blessed to have had him work on our son. We live in California and consulted with several surgeons before traveling to Baltimore to be with Dr. Belzburg. The Resources page of UBPN could provide you with more. You've come to the right place - keep asking questions and best of luck to you.

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:18 pm
by Rozishopeful
Hi Polly,
It's wonderful to meet you. I am sorry to hear your husband has a B/P injury. It is painful, and rough. Thanks you so much for your help. I hope your evening is full of joy. Hugs, Roz

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:12 am
by Rozishopeful
Hi Lourdes,
It is nice to meet you. I am sorry to hear your son has this as well. I hope he gets his life 100% back. I also live in California. Thanks for tips. Hugs, Roz

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:42 am
by Laura1
Dr. Edgerton is in So Cal on Cadillac Drive and is wonderful! I also hear Dr. Rahul Nath in Houston, TX is very, very good. Best of luck to you!

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:05 pm
by admin
I just was in touch with a Dr. Nath from Houston. My son suffered a BPI during a Bankart Repair on his left shoulder. (from the nerve block) This happened in 1/26 and he has partial paralysis. Dr. Nath wants to do reconstructive. Has anyone heard of him?

Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:20 am
by EllenB
Some people who have seen Nath are happy with him.

I hope you will also include Mayo in Rochester MN on your short list of doctors to see. Their three primary surgeons have different specialties, and working together they can offer options not available many other places. You might be travelling further but it's worth it. And finally, since Mayo is non-profit the costs are MUCH lower than the for profit centers.

Take care & good luck,


Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:27 am
by cbe411
Ellen, I will agree with you here but I think we should also add that there are many people who have seen and treated with Nath and are extremly happy!! It really is a personal preference.

To Shelly, talk around and do your research. Best of luck!


Re: Could you please recommend a Dr. in the STATES

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:24 pm
by lizzyb
Court, at the risk of upsetting you or causing a row, (and you KNOW I love you dearly x...!)there have been a few people in the past who have definitely not been happy, and who are afraid to post on here even the slightest of smallest criticisms.

There truly isn't a very balanced view on here concerning one or two surgeons, and probably never will be, AND I can understand that and the reaons why.

Just thought this should be pointed out for any newbies here.

The only answer to choosing the right surgeon is to research, research and research again.

Lizzy F