Chris has a little setback

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Chris' Mom
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Chris has a little setback

Post by Chris' Mom »

Hi Everyone. Over the weekend, the nurse that I've had changing Chris' bandages for me (I'm a whimp), found an area on Chris' flap at the bottom that looked a little suspicious. We took him to Dr. Peljovich, his specialist here in Atlanta, and there is an infection. Today, he is scheduled for surgery at 10am to open the flap at the bottom and drain and clean out the tissue that is infected. Everything seems to be okay and we caught it in time because he has no fever or red streaks on the arm. He is just not too happy at all about being cut on again. He was given a BIG shot in the butt too, of antibiotic, and he was NOT happy about that either!

Have a great day and we'll let you know how everything goes.

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Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by admin »

We are so sorry to hear about Chris. Good thing you had someone look at it . Please keep us posted. Chris along with the rest of your family are in our prayers; for a speedy recovery from this surgery too.
Take care,
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Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by Dulcet1pms »

Hi Chris' Mom,
As a wife of a TBPI, I can relate to how difficult it is to see your loved one go through setbacks. Try and keep your spirits up for him, it'll do you both no end of good to see how much that alone helps. I sang to my husband while he was in his coma, and after, and he related to me that those were times of peace for him, while he was in the hospital. Also, remember that you need to take care of YOU too! You can't support him if you are drained, so remember to intentionally make some time, even a little for you. My sister in law made me do it, even when I didn't want to, and it really does help. Blessings to both of you, I'll be praying.
Chris' Mom
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:36 pm

Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by Chris' Mom »

Thanks everyone, for your encouraging words. The infection was quite serious and was nearing Chris' chest wall where nerves were used in his first surgery. There was also a site on the flap and another area right at the edge of his underarm. All three areas had to be literally cut out and now there are three holes where the infected tissue was. They areas can't be closed because they have to heal from the inside out to push the infection outward. Dr. Peljovich told me that we HAVE to stay ahead of this infection or there could be much damage done. Dr. Shin at Mayo and Dr. Peljovich have been in contact with each other so everything possible can be done to save the nerves and muscle. Dr. Shin really wanted Chris to come back up to Mayo for the surgery, but we couldn't wait any longer. It owuld have been much worse by the time we got a flight and traveled from Atlanta to Minnesota. There were people in the waiting room at the surgery center asking why they had not been called back yet as their appointment times were past due and the receptionist just kept telling them that Dr. Peljovich was in emergency surgery. When I showed these people pictures of Chris that we took the day after his surgery at Mayo and explained to them what was going on, they were all very patient and hoped for the best. Chris' surgery sites have to be cleaned and packed with gauze twice a day. I have a visiting nurse who is a friend of mine who is coming over a few days a week also. Thank goodness she noticed the infection over the weekend and hopefully we caught it before it was too late. We go back to the doctor on Thursday to make sure everything is healing as it should. What is so weird is that Chris asked the doctor's at Mayo how often there are complications after surgery. They told him that it does happen, as with any surgery, but they had not had any problems in the past four or five months. Chris told them "Oh no, I hope you're not due for one." Maybe in his conscious he had an idea? Anyway, I thought I'd throw that in there as I didn't even remember the conversation until this happened. Chris is at home resting and just came downstairs and asked me to make him a big plate of pancakes, so he must be feeling a lot better. So, I'd better go do some cooking! Take care!
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Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by Dulcet1pms »

Hi Angie! I am so pleased that you are seeing Dr. Shin! My hubby (Curtis Stanley) was his patient 5 years ago in the Naval medical Center in San Diego, (perhaps he will remember). Anyway, Dr. Shin is a wonderful neurosurgeon, and we wish we could see him again. Dr. Shin did a nerve grafting surgery for Kurt, took the Sural nerves out of his legs to put in the arm. It didn't do much for Kurt to help him, but that does not reflect Dr. Shins ability to have sucessful transplants. Be sure you get careful instruction on how to care for your son Post-Op. We didn't get any information from the Naval hospital, and I think I may have inadvertantly damaged the work Dr. Shin did by exercizing his arm. No one told me to stop doing that after his Op. I am praying for you and Chris -Polly
Chris' Mom
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Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by Chris' Mom »

Thanks, Polly. I truly trust that Dr. Shin and his crew have done a wonderful job with Chris. We believe the reason for this infection is that Chris has just been very stubborn about not keeping the area clean as he refuses to shower or even get a sponge bath because he says its too uncomfortable. The first I time I made him get a shower, he told me he'd never do it again. But, he IS going to do what I say from now on!! I'm glad your husband is doing well. Take care.
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Re: Chris has a little setback

Post by JudyC »

Angie I haven't been on since we met you in Rochester and I am dearly sorry to hear about Chriss infection and give him our best PLEASE.... David is doing ok just ok he feels that therapy is a waste even tho he has moved his thumb twice and was very excited but he just wants to give up it is very frustrating to him and to me PLEASE tell Chris don't give up and we will be thinking of you... David says hi :-) Judy and David