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new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:20 am
by penderdawn
Anyone form Ga? I was injured at work. Terminated. have chronic pain. Have seen 8 doctors in town no one had the same diagnosis. I have started and stopped PT at least 4 times. No one can agree on the diagnosis or treatment. I actually had an Orthopedist tell me there was nothing wrong I was overexaggerating.(He had this amazing power to know that without any diagnostic test)
Imagine,.. doing your job for 13 years now I have no job and have been told I will not be able to return to the same career. When I was terminated I lost all medical insurance but I do not Qualify for any assistance. In Ga all of this is legal! Ethics? It must be legal in Ga not to have them either.
I am so thankfull I found this site! someone please give me your oppinion on any Drs in my area that can help!

Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:36 am
by EllenB
Angie, you know we're all thinking of & praying for Chris, the doctors, and you. Keep us posted.

Take care,


Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:09 pm
by EllenB
Oh, OOPS - somehow thought this was going under the Chris thread.

Sorry! (where's the coffee???)


Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:22 pm
by Jason

Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:34 pm
by Jason
that did not work well click on resources at the top of this page click on medical directory click on united states their is a list of doctors there also under united states you can click on list of doctors and see doctors ubpn has sent a questionnair to and they have not returned it yet i saw a doctor there from GA i think hope this helps best of luck

Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:00 pm
by EllenB
Dawn - what specific injury do you think you have? The main thing I understood from your post is that you have chronic pain - so I don't want to assume you have a bpi without knowing a little bit more.

I live in Atlanta, and might be able to make suggestions when I'm more clear what type of doctor you're seeking.

Take care,


Re: new to the forum but not the problem

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:23 am
by Chris' Mom
Hi Dawn. We live in Atlanta too. Ellen has been my saving grace since all of this happened. It does help to have someone to relate to who know what you are going through. As for doctor's, Chris say 5 doctor who said to "wait and see" and the word amputation came up a couple of times. I found Dr. Peljovich and he referred us to Mayo because that, in his opinion, is the best team for BPI sugery. There Alpharetta office is 404-255-0226 (it is being remodeled so if you don't get an answer, try again.) He also has a surgery center and office near Northside Hospital, which is where Chris had his surgery yesterday. I was so excited when I called and told the receptionist our story and she said "Dr. Peljovich can definitely help you." Up until then, we had no hope and Chris and I had both left doctor's offices in tears. Chris really likes Dr. Peljovich too. Chris also sees Dr. Litchtenfeld at Southern Orthopedics for pain management. They have a couple of offices also. Good luck and God bless.