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I still can't believe it!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 2:47 pm
by nataliechui
I'm still in shock that there are other people like me who has had the same thing happen to them at birth! (@@) Anyway, this is sort of a reply to "surgury done on babies after discovering that they are injured..." my parents chose not to have surgury done on me...I'm 18 years old and my c4 and c5 nerves were damaged at birth. I underwent intense physiotherapy for one month, then for 2 years, my mom would take me to her workplace and whenever she had free time she would rotate my left arm so that my shoulder would have more motility. Only now can she joke about how she would hesitate to rotate it, fearing that she would break my arm. A funny story she told was how during the first month after my intense physio at the hospital she would only slightly move my arm, not rotating it all the way above my head. When I went for my weekly check up, the doctor lifted up my left arm (the one that was damaged) and a horrible smell filled the room! Haha...after this "smelly" incident, my mom didn't hesitate as much while she helped me exercise my left shoulder since she didn't want to have something like that happen again! -*grins*-
Anyway, to the parents of those kids who have your children, and dedicate as much time you can with them, trust in the Lord and He will guide you and give you strength! My mom is the head scientist at the Provincial Lab at the University of Alberta; she works on infectious diseases like Meningo, e-coli 0157 and anthrax...She's an amazing woman...and my dad is a computer engineer for the Government of Alberta...he's a fantastic father. So for those who are worried that their careers may suffer due to constant watching of your child with obpi...I guess you have to prioritize yourself...your children are the most important things (how horrible! i materialized them! but you know what I mean...) in the world! Don't smother them to make them feel like victims...give them equal opportunites just like you would to a child without this injury. They'll thank you for your patience and kindness years later. I know I do and with each and every passing day, I'm grateful for such great parents =o)

Re: I still can't believe it!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 3:47 pm
by erica
Hey Natalie!
I just read your post and you said your mom worked at the UofA. Does that mean you live in Edmonton? Just curious. I live in Lethbridge, if that means anything to you.
Just a bit about me: I'm 21 yrs old with a right OBPI. I went to physio for the first five years of my life, I started going again when I was 19(?). Right now I go to Lethbridge Community College. I am in General Studies.
So thats about it.

Re: I still can't believe it!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 5:30 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Erica

Hope your doctors appointment goes well this week.

Did you see the 20/20 show?

Nice to see you on the board again.

bye jelly bean

Re: I still can't believe it!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 7:15 pm
by nataliechui
Hi Erica!
Yes I do live in Edmonton! Wow...five years of physiotherapy...and now when you're 19? How come? Why do you have to go back? I haven't needed physio ever since the first month of my birth...I guess I'm just very blessed =o)
Hope to talk to you soon!

Re: I still can't believe it!

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 3:44 pm
by erica
Unfortunately I missed the 20/20 show. We don't have cable, and neither does anyone in my family. But I heard it was a very moving episode.
My appointment with the orthopedic surgeon is tomarrow. I hope it goes well.

Natalie, that is soo cool you live in Edmonton. I would love to talk with you. My email is .
The reason I went back to physio was that my arm movement was deteriorating. Once I hit 18 I started to lose movement(not to mention started experiencing extreme pain). So I went to PT to maintain the movement and reduce pain. I went off and on until fall. I am actually thinking on going back to a differant therapist, I just have to find one.
So I think thats about it. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.