problem with Day care

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problem with Day care

Post by crystal »

Jade got a scholarship tp a really nice day care that specializes in special kids. She had not gone yet becouse they where moving to a bigger and better nighborhood. Well the Naighborhood is a really Rich one. they going to city councol to stop them from having a day care there. the thing is there are only 12 kids that come to it.ALmost all are disabled. the only ones that are not are siblings of other children there. know the naighboehood has resorted to taking photos of the kids that are there and lying on many counts. the problem is that if they don't move they won't have room for Jade and Emma. WHat should i do. THe media has already done a story on them. it helped somewhat. the worse thing is that the naighborhood has admitted that the reason they don't them there is becouse the are disabled. this whole thing stinks! Just blowing off steam.