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Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:02 pm
by kissygoose
Well, today I asked the PT the 64 thousand dollar question. Will I ever be able to go back to work. His answer....50/50. Well that tells me a lot. My DH is pushing for me to sign up for dissability but I seriously don't think it's going to work. I'm not sure how much my therapist is willing to help either because he doesn't know much about that stuff and the therapist there that has a BPI doesn't exactly beleive in the secondary issues and pain since he's never suffered it (he says he works out religiously and that has helped him). I'm still fighting to see a dr. that knows what's going on but not with much success. My therapist even asked if there was a shot or something I could get since he knows how much pain I'm having. I'm feeling very discouraged today.
So tell me about your dissability struggles?
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:26 pm
by Kath
I filed for disability finally and I got it.
I had to write a very long explanation but I did it!
I had to really present a full picture of this injury has impacted me and my body.
First of all how can he say that there are no secondary issues.
Just because he does not have them does not mean you can't.
Each injury is different and therefore it causes us to compensate in a different way.
If a person can only use one side of their body they will abuse it and over use.
I will write to you about it...
You need to have medical documentation.
It's time for your doctor to order some testing.
You also must request copies of all tests preformed on you over the last few years.
Kath (robpi/adult)
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:57 pm
by Beckyerin
I can't help you with dissability but have you tried to see an upper extremity specialist? I saw my BPI doctor today and he is referring me to a upper extremity guy. These guys only deal with arms, shoulders, and hands. While they may not be BPI specialists they deal with all kinds of injuries to this area of the body and may be of some help.
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:24 pm
by admin
I am 45 y/o and have never had the use of my left upper extremity. I have been on disability for about 5 years. It turns out that my arm itself didn't qualify me, but depression did. Of course a good deal of the depression can probably be traced back to the arm. The one thing I have learned about disability is if you are denied and you really feel you are disabled and can't work, do not give up. Appeal, Appeal, Appeal. Many people aren't approved the 1st time around and I've been told lawyers do help.
Good Luck.
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:39 pm
by admin
The question I have is, has anyone on disability had a settlement that they were told was going to have to be used up first before getting any type of disability? I was once told that I would not be able to get any disability because I settled a lawsuit in conjunction to my ORBPI. So no I dont know if I should try for disability because I was already denied before I even had a settlement from my law suit
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:15 pm
by kissygoose
Sunny? How did the depression thing work with the Erbs. I have clinical depression but I was under the assumption that you had to be bi-polar to qualify under.
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:25 pm
by Carolyn J
Hello all,
I'd like to share at this time that Clinical Depression finally qualified me for Disability at age 60(I hope no one else has to wait that long!!!). And yes, a lifetime of hurt and little[read no]support built up and it IS BPI related--a "Secondary Injury". I recieved confirmation of it from a medical source(BPI related). Also in the Medical Resources Link on UBPN there is a good medical article under the title "Adult Lifetime Care Isssues" relating to OBPI, has a statement re BPI & Depression...That reaffirmed it for me & I hope others too.
Hugs all around & Camp 2007 or Bust!,
Carolyn J
Adult OBPI
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:02 am
by sunny
You don't have to be bi-polar to be disabled under depression. The Erb's caused alot of self esteem issues and abuse issues from child hood. I also have extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Without going into too much detail or making myself sound pathetic, I honestly can't go out into the average everyday world around people and function properly. I can't swear that the depression would not have happened without the birth injury, but I do know growing up "differant" certainly didn't help. I also think it contributed to my eating disorders, diabetes, heart disease and spinal problems. I believe the physical pain and organic health problems disable me more - but if the feds want to say its the depression part that disables me most- that's fine too as long as the understand I am unable to work and support myself anymore. While I can "talk" to people and have friendships on line - I just can't do it in person. I freeze up and want to hide like an ostrich in person. I hope this confession doesn't make yall want to ignore me.
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:06 am
by sunny
Social security disability is not based on financial need. It is based solely on whether or not you can work. A law suit settlement should not effect if you qualify or not. Keep fighting and get a social security disability lawyer if you have to. Good luck.
Re: Getting dissability ?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:27 am
by Carolyn J
Sunny, I just want to add, and validate everything you've shared about the ravages of Depression and our OBPI.Depression itself has physical pain attached to it so when compounded by our BPI pain it is a "DOUBLE WHAMMY"...I too, don't wish to elaborate to gross people out, but the reality of the disabling effects on me , you and others is stark. AT ANY AGE, any one of us adults with OBPI can qualify for Disability. Please do not be ashamed or to proud to reach out for help,UBPN Family. Love ya'....
Carolyn J
LOBPI, age 67