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Help! Second introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:47 pm
by mickey
I am 40 years old. My BP injury seems to be getting worse. It is difficult for me to sleep due to a constant dull nagging pain in the shoulder area. This was my first posting on the General Message Board. however, as I continue to read postings, I am starting to get the feeling that the pain is something that will always be there. My expeirences throughout my life are almost identical to postings I have been reading since yesterday. I am a Mother of two and my labor pains were not as bad as what I have been experiencing. Plus, until now I thought I was all alone. I have tried just about every medication that has been named on this forum. I am very depressed, I did complete Graduate school, but I often wonder what I could have accomplished had I been born without OBPI

Re: Help! Second introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:27 am
by kissygoose
The pain you are talking about sounds like what I've had. Right now I'm on Nuerontin prescribed by my neurologist (it's about the only thing he'll do for me). I still have really bad nights though if I've overworked my muscles. I find that Ibprofin helps me take some of the edge off. Until I found this site I had never known of anyone else with the condition. Sometimes I get depressed like you do about having this condition but I find it's best notto dwell on it. It just makes you crazy with the what ifs. It's still frustrating trying to get help for OBPI as it seems most drs. aren't knowledgable enough about it to help. Hopefully some of the othr people on here can give you a bit more advice and comfort.