Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

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Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by PStay »

My 8 year old daughter has mild erbs palsy and also had B strep at birth. She was in ICU for 2 weeks.She has had PT & OT since the age of 2 months. She is very active and plays basketball & softball. She has struggled with academics since precshool. We held her back in kindergarten and she is now in first grade and still has problems with learning disabilites, and hand writing. I feel that the learning disabilities is some how related to the Erbs Palsy and the B Step. Doctors and therapist dont seem to know the answer.I just need some answers. We are also going through an SSI appeal hearing. My daughter recieved SSI for three years and now they are saying she no longer needs services. I am very frustrated when I know how she struggles with her Erbs Palsy issues and school issues. Has anyone else had similar problems.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by Harris68 »

My daughter (born in England), Penny who is now 10 months old had BPI, rt. diaphragm paralysis and Strep B which made it into her spinal fluid subsiquently causing meningitis. Additionally, she was born with no signs of life and maintained an apgar score of zero until 7 minutes. A double wammy, The neonatologist advised us that she would need to be followed closely throughout her development because of the possibility of brain damage resulting from the meningitis (strep B infection) and/or asphyxia. The future remains to be seen.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by francine »

I really can't answer your post because we never dealt with strep b and also we didn't make the qualifications for ssi...

I just wanted to welcome you to the message board!

Have you seen this area here?

there's a lot of good stuff in there

God bless your little girl- I hope all this stuff gets figured out somehow,
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by DebbieJean »

Hi. Just wanted to clarify, meningitis is inflammation of the meninges. It can be bacterial or viral. Group strep B, is a streptococcal infection.
The major cause of infection in newborn infants currently is beta-hemolytic group B. This a bacteria
and a natural inhabitant of some of the famale genital tracts. If mother is positive for group B, she is administer drugs during labor to reduce the possibility of newborn exposure. If the new born is exposed meningitis can occur. So all ob/gyn should be
testing for this.
Just my opinion, and knowledge.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by DebbieJean »

Pstay, and Harrris68
I feel for your children, and your family.
It is hard to go through something like that.
With proper medication administered during labor, this would have had a good outcome.
Kinda like, bpi....injuries.....Prevention is the key.
God bless, and take care.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by crystal »

I tested positive for group b strep. the dr. not to worry that it would be no problem. most women have it. he did say that when my water broke i would have to deliver with in ( I think 12hours).if not a c-section would have to be done. well i was in labor for almost 24 hours after my water broke. Jade was pumped full of antibiatics and bpi. so i don't know.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by crystal »

I don't think 8 years ago they tested for it like they do now.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by DebbieJean »

They did test for it 8 years ago. My daughter is 10, and I was tested for it. I was given IV antibiotics before birth with her. SO it was out there. Again,
another issue of the doctors not informed. This issue also needs awareness.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by DebbieJean »

She was probably pumped full of antibiotics, because of the group strep B. This is a disease that has
a high infant mortality.
Have a good day.
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Re: Erbs palsy & B Strep at Birth

Post by crestmom7411 »

I have a question about Group B. I had it with my son and was giving antibiotics to protect my son from it. My daughter who is 7 years old has a learning disability. Is it possible that I had it then and was not made aware of it, and that is why she has this disability.