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Tips for keeping an immobilized baby happy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:25 am
by LoriV
Hi all - My son just had primary surgery on Tuesday. He is home and doing well with one exception. He becomes very frustrated with not being able to do the things he did previously. He is a very active baby! He is wrapped up pretty tight and we have almost 3 weeks to go yet. Anyone have any suggestions?

Lori (mom to Ryan, 11 months ROBPI)

Re: Tips for keeping an immobilized baby happy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:01 pm
by admin
key word = distraction

music, baby videos

lots of outdoor time, getting fresh air

don't know where you live, but is the air crisp? the air with the chill always made us use our energy up faster

go places - go shopping- to the mall - places where there is a lot to be distracted by (especially other kids playing)

join a class - like Kindermusik where there are other babies the same age - this is great fun
it's more musically oriented than gymboree which is more physically oriented

Re: Tips for keeping an immobilized baby happy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:29 pm
does he use a jumper or walker?

javier would have gone crazy with out these. 11 months is a hard age to keep them occupied. no games or movies. jody couldn't even sit up with the get up that he had on.

best of luck t both of you.


Re: Tips for keeping an immobilized baby happy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:14 pm
by admin
We bought a walker that had no was wonderful, he was then a happy baby that is what they were called an excersaucer !

Re: Tips for keeping an immobilized baby happy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:44 pm
by admin
The guest poster is totally correct. My BPI kid at that age and I spent almost all of our time outside. We would go to a park with a blanket and a ball. We did so much on our tummies exploring the ground, the bugs, the leaves... And we socialized alot with other kids and parents. When she got tired we would read from the blanket.

If you can't be outside, then you need to keep the stimulation high in the house, music, your chatter, bring the baby into the kitchen when you cook, into the bathroom ....